Monday, July 16, 2012


Oh my goodness, you guys! I am so sorry that I haven't posted anything on here in over 6 months. I should try and work on that. Well, Summer is here and half over.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Lightbulb Mobile? Check!

Okay, so today, I finally put my dead lightbulb collectio to use. (Well, only part of it. I only had 5 white lightbulbs, so I had to get one live one....) I made a hanging mobile with lightbulbs and coathangers and plastic necklaces.
It doesn't look that bad, but I haven't taken pictures yet. I love the thrill of accomplishing something on my own, that I figured out by myself, without prior instruction.

Since I don't have a picture of it yet, here is this picture:

Also, I just got back from YW new beginnings. It was doctor Seuss themed, and had amazing decorations. Super fun too!


Nostalgic dreams
My child hood wish
Commercialized valentines
Is where it exists

A heart shaped box
The guy of my dreams
The details are missing but
It is what it seems

Afterschool drugstore
Valentines week
Shelves of promises
The prospect is bleak

I stand here and sigh
My wish is still true
A box of chocolates
For me, from you.

So when I was little, my dad would always take me to this drugstore to get his perscription filled. It was full of the weirdest stuff, and I loved the chair you could sit in with the armrest that would inflate and squeeze your arm, like at the doctor's. Today we went there again, for the first time in maybe a year or more for me, and I felt very nostalgic. The place looks really different, but they still have an aisle of greeting cards.

They had a display for valentines day, even though it's a month away. I distinctly remember being....maybe 6 or 7 and thinking how nice it would be to get one of those heart-shaped boxes of chocolate. I thought it was so cute and traditional, even though personally I have never seen anyone get one of those for Valentine's day. Looking back and remembering that (And seeing the little heart shaped candies with words on them) made me really nostalgic. And I still sort of wish someone would give me a heart-shaped box of chocolates for Valentine's day. And maybe a rose. :)

Also, I might not get around to writing Valentine's day poetry when it comes around, so now I'm prepared.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

I Am Happy Today

Spoler Alert.

It was a good day today.
My mom recomended this book for me, called "Oceans Apart" (By Karen Kingsbury) and I read it today (Well, started last night, finished today). It was really good, with great charecters (The little boys was so cute!) and a good moral to the story. Some points in the story the charecters were really stubborn (Really unforgiving and such) that it made me really annoyed at them, but you know, that's life. I'm glad the charecters all came to a happy, forgiving conclusion.

It's a little ironic (Or maybe it isn't) because I bore my testimony in church today on forgiveness. Okay, it's probably not ironic, since I was reading the book beofre church. I fasted food today and my family is getting sealed together next week. I just have a really good feeling today. Lot's of peace.

Okay, so it's the third paragraph (I wish my 'tab' button worked so I could indent) and I've already used five sets of parentheses. I'm getting really nervous for Soccer tryouts. My school doesn't have a really big JV girls soccer team (I'm not entirely sure what that means, to be honest) and I don't know if I'm good enough to make varsity. Acctually, I'd feel more confident about it if I had been excersizing the past few months, but I haven't been. The Coach gave me a pre-tryout workout schedule, and I was tired from just the warm-ups. That was yesterday, and I'm in pain today, so I obviously made a mistake by not excersizing for so long.

The cool thing is, soccer tryouts are on my birthday. Which may end up being not as cool as it seems. I'm going to be on edge all day. XD

Umm. So my favorite movie for the past......while has been Megamind ((c) Dreamworks Animation). I just love the idea of it, and it played out really well. It really made me want to work for dreamworks, even though I'm not so sure about that anymore, since I've been getting into more individual artwork. But it's an amazing movie. It always calms me down and makes me happy when I'm sad.

Good movies can do that. At one point I was in love with the Jimmy Neutron movie ((c) Nickelodeon Movies, I belive) and when I was sick and crying, my mom just put in that movie, and even though I only watched it halfway, I felt better. I watched Megemind when I came home from my first day back at school, and I watched it yesterday, just for fun. But what I was leading up to (In a very scattered way) is that I found the instumental soundtrack on Apple's iTunes. Hooray! I can't stop listening to 'Roxanne's Love Theme' (Okay, the title is a little different than that, but I don't remember the correct order of words at this time). It's such a beautiful song!

I watched two more pokemon movies yesterday. (Don't worry, I did productive things too!) Mainly I watched 'Pokemon: Destiny Deoxys' ((c) Nintendo?).
I have to say, I was really impressed. I think It's mainly because all the other Pokemon movies I've watched have taken place in the forest, or on an island, or in a mansion, or even just during a festival. This movie really impressed me by being set in a big big city. They handled it really well. The high-tech scenario set a whole different tone, and completely changed the way the movie played out. I mean, the whole robots going bezerk thing was awesome, and they couldn't have done that in a forest.

I like seeing how Pokemon act in human enviornments, like playgrounds, or cities. Also, the charecter Tory was just adorable. From his apperance to his personality, he was a super cute charecter.
I think my favortire line in the whole movie was at the begining. It went like this:

Sid (To Max): Hey.....your kinda cute.
Max: Heheh. I can also be kinda crazy.

Which, it souds really normal, but the way they presented it made me burst out laughing. (Especially after watching another movie where Max is like a super vulnerable little sweet boy) Anyway, it was a good movie.

I guess I should show you some pictures now.

Here is a hat I made a while ago. I also made a pokeball one, but I haven't taken pictures of it yet. I liked making hats. I'm not as, "I LOVE HAT MAKING' as I was over thanksgiving break, but I do like it. I really like hats in general.

I just love my cats. I'm so thankful that I can have them.
Have an awesome week. :)

Pokemon (c) Nintendo