Saturday, January 23, 2010


Ugg, so I had ano old blog under another account, but i forgot my password and wasn't able to loh in, so i just copided and pasted this post. :)

So today was a really good day. My awesome friend came over, and we went bike riding twice, made brownies, and went to the mall. I got my ears pierced, something i TOLD myself i wouldn't do ever since i was really little. And when people ell you it doesn't hurt, well, I DONT BELIVE THEM!!!! IT HURTS! I cried, yeah, OW. Then we went to a store and smelled perfume, wore high-heels and pretened we were runway models, and went on this bungee jump thing. Then we went home and watched "Cloudy with a Chance of Meaballs" Which is a REALLY good movie :) My friend went to check her email, and for somereason when she tried to send an email, it made her do math problems. :) (she turned this feature off later. But i'm glad that it's finaly warmer outside. :)

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