Friday, February 4, 2011

I am a Princess. Twice.

So on Wednesday, at church, for the 'New Beggings' progam marking a new year, my Young Women's group all became princesses. Our leaders all wore dresses, and the YW president (our 'fairy godmother') had a giant wand. She called up up by name and we sat in a big poofy chair. She'd say, "Fair maiden Brooke, I hereby declare you princess of the realm and grant you with the gift of Compassion". Then the girls behind you would toss confetti on your head and you would get a mini tiara. Everyone got a different gift, the gift of enthusiasm (Given to my most enthusiastic friend), the gift of conversation (A.K.A, the gift of gab), even the girft of sarcastic and witty comments. They put on a play and our ward's second councelor (The 'king') bore his testimony to us and it was all really great.

Today, we had a pep ralley at our school. All my really close friends sat together (Except for one D:) and since we were on the front row, we could just sit on the floor and dangle our legs off the balcony. The steel drums band was right below us (I didn't even know we had a steel drums band) and It was really neat beacause we recognized a lot of the songs, like 'Under the sea" from 'The Little Mermaid' or "Day-o" from 'Beatle Juice'. The eight grade was supposed to dress up in really bright colors. I have to say, this was the best pep ralley I've ever been to, even though the middle school cheerleaders danced to "I whip my hair back and forth" and It was stuck in my head all day. It's a very addicting song.

And I won Homecoming princess of eigth grade. I really like the phrase 'Miss eigth grade' better though. (It's what my certificate says) They also gave me a rose.

So I have become a princess twice this week.

At lunch today, We were going around part of the table each saying one word and making a story.

There once was a man named Joseph. He had a child named Florance the Angry. Joseph and florance the angry had a pet. It was a bunny day Florance and the bunny ran over their neighbor. The neighbor was dead. Florance was angry. The bunny ate the neigbors remains slowly and meticulously. Florance was ANGRY.

WE never finished it, but I was laughing so hard that I was crying and I couln't breathe. I hope we continue it on Monday.

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