Wednesday, January 12, 2011


So I've been working on drawing a lot, especially now that I've had two snow days. (Even though it only snowed about 1 inch or less. And freezing rain.)
So I've been working really hard on lighting. Here's a picture I'm really fond of that I did.

I'm planning on making a sequel to this picture of a girl on his side holding his hand. I'm not sure If I'll get around to it though.
I've also been doing this challenge called '100 themes'. It gives you 100 themes (Who knew?) and I'm drawing a picture for each one. My friend is doing the challenge too, but is writting poems for them. The meadow one up there was for the theme 'Light'.
This one was for the theme abandoned:

It was really good, but then I shrunk the file, and I didn't save a larger copy. It looks way better in full view, but now it is a little fuzzy. Here's one I drew for the theme 'Innocence':

If anyone reads this, please comment!

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