Monday, January 24, 2011

School on Saturday and Manga Overload

Okay okay, so I had school on Saturday.
I know, A great way to spend your weekend, but today, Monday, I have school off, so it all works out I guess.
I went to sleep at about 7 p.m. Friday night, so I slept around 11 hours and didn't miss much sleep at least. Also, we caust a few mice lately.
On Saturday night, I went to an etiquite (Spelling?) dinner with my church stake. (That's a whole bunch of the different church wards in our area together.) I saw this one girl who sits across from me in art class, who I didn't even know was my religeon. Also this guy in my theater class is her I was pretty amazed.

At least saturday was an early release day, so school ended at 1:30. When I finally got off the bus (My bus ride is an hour long. Seriously.) I heard someone yell my name. I looked behind me, at the road, and sticking her head out a car window is a girl from my science class. She then yells, "I know where you live!" XD

I also saw one of my friends at the library.

OKAY OKAY OKAY. So the etiquitte dinner was really neat, and I saw a TON of my friends who I haven't seen since camp in the summer.

We watched this big slideshow of pictures, and it was all really neat.


I've been reading a lot of manga lately.
I'm sort of obsessed with 'LOVE*COM'.
It's so cool!
I just finished the 9th book, and I've been going to the library often to look for them.
I think I'm going to cosplay as Risa Koizumi for Animazement. (I know I say things like that a lot, but this time I'm serious.)

Also, last night I read the first two books of 'Twin Spica', which is also really cool. I would love to see someone cosplaying as Mr. Lion, but I don't think the series is that popular. (?) But I may be wrong.

Also today I read the first book in the seies 'Arisa'. THE AUTHOR ALSO WROTE 'KITCHESS PRINCESS' SO YOU KNOW I'M GOING TO LOVE IT. Her art has improved SO much since the first volume of 'Kitchen Princess'. It's so pretty! The plot is really good too!

Speaking of 'Kitchen Princess', I've read up to book 6. IT'S SO SAD!!!!
I read it on the bus to school, and I seriously cried during the whole book.

I really want to go to a book store right now.
I also read the first volume of Azumanga Daioh. It was pretty different since it's all four-panel comics. I've already seen the anime, and I have to say, I sort of like the anime better. The book is great, it's hilarious, but I guess I like the anime more since I saw it first and....wel... (the art is a little better....) and the charecters have voices and everything, so it's so much funnier. I mean, Osaks wouldn't be as funny unless she had the hilarious English dubbed voice with all the pauses.

I mean, the artist is AMAZING. I love her art work in Yotsuba, but since it's a four-panel comic backbrounds and not much detail, the only really amazing art are the big drawings at the beginning of chapters.

The likenesses between 'Azumanga Daioh' and 'Lucky Star' are uncanny.
They both started out as four-panel comics (I belive) and got transformed into HILARIOUS animes with English dubs.
The scharecters are very alike as well.

Both have reckless teachers who have HORRIBLE driving skills and not much common sense. (Miss Yukari and Miss Kuroi)

Both have the super innocent short cute girls (Chiyo-chan and Yutaka)(Though I suppose you could also compare Chiyo to Miyuki)

Both have the tall, silent type girls ( Miss Sakari and Minami)

Both have the older man who is attracted to the younger girls (Konata's Father and Kimura, though Kimura is definately was more so. He scares me....)

Okay, I'm out of good examples, but You get my drift, right?)

Okay, also I had to look to FIND these examples, but it's true!)

I also read the book 'Sayonara, Zetsubou Sensei' and it's pretty good too.

Okay, farewell.

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