Friday, August 26, 2011

High School Storms

So if that earthquake wasn't enoguh, we're having Hurricane Irene. I'm pretty inland, but it's still storming a lot outside. Really windy. Also, I started high school yesterday.

For once, I was acctually a little disapointed. I like summer. :) There wasn't a big switch though, since i'm in middle/high school combined. I keep thinking last year was 7th grade. But it was 8th. This is crazy! XD I can't get used to it.

I'm really excited about Photography I. I find it really neat when I start a class knowing absolutly NOTHING about the subject. I don't know much anything about film and developing it. It sounds so cool! We were practicing going in and out of the dark room without exposing the film, and this one guy had the idea of holding one eye shut before going in. It apparently ajusts the one eye to the darkness, and you can see REALLY well (Out of one eye) in the dark.

Sounds good. Adios!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The Earth Begins to Shake

Mmkay, so apparently there was an earthquake today. Where I live. All of my friends are writing all over the internet, saying that it was really scary and it shook them.
I didn't feel a thing. No matter how scary it was, I really wish i had. My neighbor felt it! I didn't!
Okay, so at one point i heard something, or maybe i felt it, and thought that my cat was scratching herself REALLY loudly and hard. I guess that was it. I feel a little lame now, for not noticing it as an earthquake. I hope no one got hurt from it.

Thursday, August 11, 2011


Lately, I love Dreamworks Animation.
My friends are all really big fans of the old Disney movies, but comparitivly, I just think that lately Dreamworks is so much better! Even if they're from books, i think that the storylines are so origanal! And the special effects are amazing. I really like the CGI.

The main reason I've come to think of this is beacausof two particuar movies.

How to Train your Dragon was my favorite movie ever! I saw the end of it on a display TV when I went shopping with my mom at "Sam's Club". We went out and bought it right afterwards. I love it so much! I even added designs to a hat to make it into "Toothless". (It's in a post on here about Summer) I drew tons of pictures, and I just LOVED it. I was obsessed for ages.

Then, this past Saturday, I saw "Megamind". Oddly enough, I also saw this one on a display TV at "Sam's Club". I didn't see the ending or beginning, but I saw a huge chunk out of the middle. Tons of it. We went out and rented it that day, and watched it as well. Since i had seen most of it already at the store, it didn't have a huge affect on me, like HtTyD did. I watched it by myself on the computer later that day, and I really loved it. It just grew on me, really fast. On Monday (It was due on Sunday, but we kept it too long...) I watched it again. I watched it with the comentary (Which was hilarioius. I was stunned at how short the movie seemed with it.) and I really liked it. My mom had to take it back that night on her way out, but I managed to watch it half-way through again before she did.
I just love it! I have lots and lots of art work I've done of the charecters.....It's still in my sketchbook.

So after these two movies, I'm thinking I'd like to work for Dreamworks. It would be great if I could make someone feel happy through a creation like those. I think if I worked there, I'd be a storyboard artist, since the graphic element doesn't really seem my type of thing. (Actually, It sounds great, but I don't know how to do that sort of thing...) I'm not sure if story board art fits me either, but it's the only thing I can think of that I think I'd be good at. I just really think working for Dreamworks would be awesome!

Also, the logo of Dreamworks is SO CUTE!
I just think the music and the little animation is just so adorable. Plus, the name, dreamworks just sounds so....Dreamy!

Also, my dad took me out to see "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" a couple days ago. It was rated PG13, but I'm the kind of girl who pretty much watches cartoons and, well, basically PG rated movie (And Harry Potter) most of the time. So this movie was totally terifying for me! I cried for half and hour after I watched it. I just thought it was horrible! I have a couple of friends who like (or LOVE) scary movies, and so my problem probably seemed really weird to them, but I was really upset by it. And when we were driving home from the theater, I just really wanted to watch "Megamind". Animated movies just help me to feel better sometimes. Like this one time where I was sick and cranky, watching "Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genious" made me feel so much better!

So, basically, I really like animated movies, and I think it's a nice idea to work for Dreamworks when I grow up.

The End.

"How to Train your Dragon" and "Megamind" (c) Dreamworks.
"Jimmy Neutron" (c) Nickelodeon
"Rise of the Planet of the Apes" (c) Rupert Wyatt (He's the Director, so....)

School Alert!

So today I got my school schedule.
I also had a dream about getting my schedule.

In my schedule dream, (once I got out of the cafeteria where people were swinging on ropes through plates of glass and falling into water) I opened my schedule at my locker (It was the first day of school) and realized that I had HORRIBLE classes. I had stuff like "Dog whispering" and "Family paper folding", which, as nice as it sounds, is absolutely not what i want to do everyday for the whole school year. XD

When I woke up and got my real schedule I was glad. I got all of the classes I wanted. :)
I go to an art school, so my three electives I chose were all visual arts. (Instead of me picking something more....useful, like...french. or Gym.) Also, my three electives are back to back, so I have three strait hours of different art classes. :)

Also, my school is combined for middle and high school (so theres no big deal about switching schools, but the idea of being in high school is really weird....) so the classes are really weird. Instead of having 4 periods, 1.5 hours long for one semester, I still have 7 periods that are 50 minutes long.

Plus we don't have homerooms, so I've NEVER understood what people mean by that or 'start class'......The classes for high school are strange in another way too. I've been geting used to 'Social studies', 'Language Arts', and "Science". Now, however, the names are "World History", "English I", and "Biology"....It's so different to me!