Friday, August 26, 2011

High School Storms

So if that earthquake wasn't enoguh, we're having Hurricane Irene. I'm pretty inland, but it's still storming a lot outside. Really windy. Also, I started high school yesterday.

For once, I was acctually a little disapointed. I like summer. :) There wasn't a big switch though, since i'm in middle/high school combined. I keep thinking last year was 7th grade. But it was 8th. This is crazy! XD I can't get used to it.

I'm really excited about Photography I. I find it really neat when I start a class knowing absolutly NOTHING about the subject. I don't know much anything about film and developing it. It sounds so cool! We were practicing going in and out of the dark room without exposing the film, and this one guy had the idea of holding one eye shut before going in. It apparently ajusts the one eye to the darkness, and you can see REALLY well (Out of one eye) in the dark.

Sounds good. Adios!

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