Thursday, August 11, 2011

School Alert!

So today I got my school schedule.
I also had a dream about getting my schedule.

In my schedule dream, (once I got out of the cafeteria where people were swinging on ropes through plates of glass and falling into water) I opened my schedule at my locker (It was the first day of school) and realized that I had HORRIBLE classes. I had stuff like "Dog whispering" and "Family paper folding", which, as nice as it sounds, is absolutely not what i want to do everyday for the whole school year. XD

When I woke up and got my real schedule I was glad. I got all of the classes I wanted. :)
I go to an art school, so my three electives I chose were all visual arts. (Instead of me picking something more....useful, like...french. or Gym.) Also, my three electives are back to back, so I have three strait hours of different art classes. :)

Also, my school is combined for middle and high school (so theres no big deal about switching schools, but the idea of being in high school is really weird....) so the classes are really weird. Instead of having 4 periods, 1.5 hours long for one semester, I still have 7 periods that are 50 minutes long.

Plus we don't have homerooms, so I've NEVER understood what people mean by that or 'start class'......The classes for high school are strange in another way too. I've been geting used to 'Social studies', 'Language Arts', and "Science". Now, however, the names are "World History", "English I", and "Biology"....It's so different to me!

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