Saturday, September 10, 2011

Of Soccer and Pajama Sam

If you haven't noticed, I really like children's TV shows.
Well I also like children's video games. When i was little, I played TONS of games. I don't know if that's normal for a child, but i LOVED to play on the computer.

When I was in seventh grade, we had a mold contamination, and a LOT of our stuff got packed away in boxes while people came and replaced carpets and knocked out walls and such. I had sort of forgotten about this, or at least.....not cared enough, because I didn't think to acctually start unpacking the boxes until yesterday. And my main motivation for that was Pajama Sam.

I mainly loved the video games by Humongeous Entertainment. My mom and I would play Freddi Fish, Spy Fox, and Pajama Sam ALL THE TIME. I remembered Pajama Sam, and really wanted to play it again, but my mom told me it was in one of the boxes stored away. So yesterday we went down and I looked through all the boxes stored in our cargo van. In the very back box on the bottom, I found a bunch of books and CDs, so we brought it inside, along with two others.

In this box we found TONS of my childhood video games, most importantly Pajama Sam 2 and 3, and Spy Fox 3. I'm sure somewhere, buried in other boxes, there are more of my old games, (specificly PS 1 and 4, spy fox 1 and 2, and all my Freddi fish games) but I'm really happy I found them.

I beat PS 3 last night, (I had to talk it through with my mom) PS 2 this morning, and my mom and I both played Spy Fox together and beat it just now. What is amazingly awesome about these games is that the game changes every time you play it. You can choose (Or have it randomly chosen) the elements of the game, and it's really cool. I could no longer remember perfectly how to do it, I had to think it through.

I still really like all of these games. I want to dress up as Pajama Sam for 'Favorite Charecter Day' at school. First I need to find/make a blue one-si.

In other news, I joined a new soccer league for 14-17 year olds, and we had a scrimage match today. Our uniforms are red! I've had a blue uniform in all my soccer leagues, and I'm glad for the change. XD We lost the scrimage 5 to 0....

I didn't practice soccer at ALL this summer (Well, other than juggeling games and maybe a play match with some guys and my cousins) and I feel like I did really badly. I mean, I was OK, and i made and ok shot at the goal (On one of the few times we got it on their side of the field) and ran really hard, but I am OUT OF SHAPE.

There were times where I felt I could hardly breath. I felt like i couldn't take enough air in, and like I do when we play a pressuring game, I sort of broke down. I started crying because I felt so bad, and...eugh. I have a problem with doing that. I had a meltdown at our final game on my school team. I really hate losing, and I don't like feeling like i'm doing badly. But It was fine, I guess, because it was only a scrimage. The other team has a lot of older players, and I feel confident that we will get a LOT better.

In OTHER OTHER news, today's date is 9/10/11

Pajama Sam, Spy Fox, and Freddi Fish (c) Humongous Entertainment.

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