Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving Break!

So I think I had a migrane yesterday. That's what my parents say, anyway.
I left school during 2nd period with a horrible headache. I coudln't concentrate. At one point I raised my hand to say something and had to stop in the middle because I was scared I was going delutional and wouldn't make any sense. (Which I've done before when I've been sick) On the car ride home, My hand went asleep, even though I was using it, and I had the worst, throbbing pain on the left side of my head that I've ever had.
I got sick, and ended up sleeping pretty much all day.
Today I woke up early, super happy and pretty healthy. I only randomly get head pains at sudden movements and such now. I made 2 more hats (One rabbit one for me, one plain one for my mom) and two scarves. I watched movies all day. I could nearly feel myself losing my muscles. O_O

Spoiler alerts*****

My mom brought home the movie "The Princess Bride" ((c) William Goldman), which I've been wanting to see for quite a bit. (Okay, maybe I've been wanting to see it because my crush dressed up as Prince Humperdinck for Halloween, and was disapointed when I had only watched the movie halfway through with less than perfect attention and interest) BUT ANYWAY. The movie was better than I remembered AND THE MOVIE CASE IS SO COOL BECAUSE IF YOU TURN IT UPSIDE DOWN IT STILL SAYS "THE PRINCESS BRIDE" AND I'M NOT GOING TO GET OVER THAT SOOON.
As I was saying, It was very nice, but I grew to like Wesley less and less as the movie went on. He started off heroic and funny and nice and handsome and romantic, and he just ended up....violent and sort of a jerk. I also thought Buttercup (Which I still can't imagine is her real name) and his reunion was a little odd. AND SOME JOKES AND THINGS THEY SAID JUST MADE ME LIKE, "WHOA. WHY WOULD THEY SAY THAT?!?!!?"
It was a very funny film though, and I'm glad they didn't acctually torture the prince.

Have a good Thanksgiving!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Accidentally stupid.

So Brooke, what stupid thing did you do today?
Well, Brooke, I stuck my hair in hot melted wax, if that counts.

YES. My mom and I were waxing leaves (To preserve them for decoration) and when I reach over to set one to dry, my hair fell in our bowl of hot melted wax. And i stood up and it dripped all down my shirt and skirt. We ended up sticking my hair in boiling hot water, then toweling it off. It still feels a little waxy though.

On the brigther side, I had an awesome weekend.
My mum and I went shopping (Always a treat) and got piano music, make-up, and art supplies. We had a lot of fun, and I also had a piano recital.

Everyone played, from the older, more advanced kids, to a 3 year old, who is just beggining. I messed up a couple times, but I felt really good. :) I played 'Think of me' from 'Phantom of the Opera' ((c) Andrew Lloyd Webber) and 'Cristofori's Dream' by David Lans. The second is my favorite piece and I memorized it. It was great. :)

All the youth in our Church stake had a service project, throwing a party for members of the special olympics. It was really fun and I met some really cool people. There was one guy who absolutely loved to dance and gave everyone hugs. :)

I also made my first fleece(And felt) hat. It fits really well, is comfy, and I think it's pretty cute. It's a cat. I think it's pretty good for my first time-the ears are way to big, however, and one is really....weird, and the seem isn't centered on the front, BUT I LIKE IT ANYWAY.
So, farewell!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Hey you guys!

So, Hi.
Lets jump to the subject today. (There acctually is a main subject, surprisingly.)

I entered this contest for an Autumn themed Harvest moon picture, and this is what I came up with:

My scanner bleached everything out, and my camera took it pretty dark (I didn't want to edit it) so here are two pictures.

So, even though neither of those are great quality, what do you think? I think it looks better in person. XD

Harvest Moon (c) Natsume Inc.

Friday, November 11, 2011


Okay, so right now it is 11/11/11 at 11:11 P.M.
By the way, did you know that P.M. stands for Post Meridian?
Also, this is my 100th post. I'd say it's an awesome coincedince, but I sort of planned it...
Darn it. I was so involved timing this that Ii forgot to make a wish. FAIL.

So today I visited a friend who moved to Pennsylvania. She came back for the weekend and threw a party and it was lovely! We were all running down the road (In the forest) to the park, and I'm not sure what happened, but me and this other girl both ended up falling. I might have accidently tripped her, or she might have tripped and I fell over her (I distinctly remember jumping) but anyway, we crashed into the road. She skined her ankle and I skinned my shoulders and sort of my chin. It was a little ironic, because 3 seconds prior, our friend asked, "Why are we running?"

Well, anyway it was lovely. And we had off of school today for veteran's day. So that's nice as well. I got sheet music for "All I Want For Christmas Is You" by Mariah Carey, which is one of my favorite christmas songs ever.

Also I've fallen in love with writing comics. Right now I'm making a fan comic for Harvest Moon ((c) Natusme Inc.) and it's interesting. The plot is over done (It's one of the 'girl dates guy1 to get attention from guy2 then falls for guy1" plots) Which, I hate that plot. But some how my story, being writen as I go fell that But it looks okay. I'm watercoloring it. I now have a HUGE watercolor section in my sketchbook, defined by the huge volume of the wrinkley pages. In a fabulous coincedince, my assignment for Beg. 2D this week is to write a comic.

I wish I had something amazing to announce, you know, since this is the 100th post.....but I don't. Ummm....I've been drinking chocolate milk all day. My dad sprayed my kitten with cologne. I'm happy. So..... Yup.

Have a lovely day!
Oh, and if you can, please please comment!

Thursday, November 10, 2011


Hi. It's been a while since I've written, and I'm not sure what to start with.
"Tom Sawyer" by Mark Twain is a really good book. I'm nearly done with it and it's really amazing.
I did end up telling that boy that I like him. I wrote him a note. I'm sure he read it (I wasn't there if/when he did) and he didn't say anything. Acctually, he probably already knew. Oh well.

I went to figure drawing again this week and it was AMAZING. Well sort of. I didn't have the best patience that day, and our model DID. Our model (One kid's mother, who was awesome by posing and bringing cookies) posed for an hour and a half strait. It was crazy! I didn't care for my picture very much, and I really wanted her to move so I could stop working on mine. But I ended up finishing and having it look pretty great. Even the portfolio kids thought it was good. The teacher said that it was good enough to take on the portfolio trip.

Right. You most likely don't know about the portfolio trip. So every year our school has a trip up to Washington D.C. with the art students (Mainly seniors and Juniors) to get our portfolios reviewed by college boards and go to the musame and such. One of my friends and I are going, (Even though we are freshmen and was behind everyone else) and I'm really looking foward to it. I need to make more art. O_O

Also, I finished writing a fanfiction about Harvest Moon ((c) Natsume Inc.) if you'd like to read it here:
Sadly there are errors in spelling and such.

I went to our schools guitar concert and it was lovely. My crush's class played "Every Breath you Take" by the Police, which is one of my favorite songs. So I was going crazy in my head. SO AWESOME. And everyone was really good too.

Also, have some photos! I've been going crazy with photography lately, and here are some of my favorites:

As always, If you'd like to see more:

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Happy November

I think today's date is pretty neat. 11-1-11. It's also two of my friends' birthdays, one of which was born at 1:11. Now that's neat.

I got to stay after school of figure drawing class, in which we did super quick watercolor refence pictures. Mine didn't turn out very well, but it was really relaxing. I love watercolors!

One super awkward part of the day:
so today I decided I would tell the guy i like that i like him.
And i failed. Badly. I couldn't say anything.
I went up to him, and said him name, and he was like, "Yes? You said my name."
And I awkwardly changed the subject. XD Before I said anything.

Hope you have a less awkward and awesome day!