Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving Break!

So I think I had a migrane yesterday. That's what my parents say, anyway.
I left school during 2nd period with a horrible headache. I coudln't concentrate. At one point I raised my hand to say something and had to stop in the middle because I was scared I was going delutional and wouldn't make any sense. (Which I've done before when I've been sick) On the car ride home, My hand went asleep, even though I was using it, and I had the worst, throbbing pain on the left side of my head that I've ever had.
I got sick, and ended up sleeping pretty much all day.
Today I woke up early, super happy and pretty healthy. I only randomly get head pains at sudden movements and such now. I made 2 more hats (One rabbit one for me, one plain one for my mom) and two scarves. I watched movies all day. I could nearly feel myself losing my muscles. O_O

Spoiler alerts*****

My mom brought home the movie "The Princess Bride" ((c) William Goldman), which I've been wanting to see for quite a bit. (Okay, maybe I've been wanting to see it because my crush dressed up as Prince Humperdinck for Halloween, and was disapointed when I had only watched the movie halfway through with less than perfect attention and interest) BUT ANYWAY. The movie was better than I remembered AND THE MOVIE CASE IS SO COOL BECAUSE IF YOU TURN IT UPSIDE DOWN IT STILL SAYS "THE PRINCESS BRIDE" AND I'M NOT GOING TO GET OVER THAT SOOON.
As I was saying, It was very nice, but I grew to like Wesley less and less as the movie went on. He started off heroic and funny and nice and handsome and romantic, and he just ended up....violent and sort of a jerk. I also thought Buttercup (Which I still can't imagine is her real name) and his reunion was a little odd. AND SOME JOKES AND THINGS THEY SAID JUST MADE ME LIKE, "WHOA. WHY WOULD THEY SAY THAT?!?!!?"
It was a very funny film though, and I'm glad they didn't acctually torture the prince.

Have a good Thanksgiving!

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