Sunday, December 18, 2011

Whoa, it's been a while!

I have to much to say, and very little motivation to say it.
So, I recently attended National Portfolio Day. (Which is held in Washington D.C., and a whole lot of college representatives are there to review your portfolio and give you college info.)

My school has a trip each year (Since we're an arts school) and I was one of the 3 freshmen who attened (More were invited, but didn't go). It was really cool. I met with 9 colleges (After being in line for one of the for 1 hour.) and I just had a really good time. We also went to the national gallery, and the art there is AMAZING. I saw the "Journey of Life" painting (We had looked at them in english class) and they were so stunning in person. They were just amazing.
I also made friends with one of the student teachers (We were dancing randomly in Ruby Tuesday and Union Station) and there was this crazy McDonald's we went to that had a child play area that all made noise. They had a carpet like a piano, where you'd step on the keys and they would play like a piano. It was super cool.

Apart from that, I've been doing paintings. I've been going around to people and asking for their picture to do an acryllic painting. I've done two so far, and one of my kitten. I've also been making fleece hats (I've had quite a few people ask to buy them) and working on a comic. It's a Harvest Moon fan comic, and for some reason, i decided i would watercolor it. It's sort of driving me crazy, beacause it's SO MUCH work watercoloring every page! We're working in watercolor in school now, so it's works out well that way.

Today in church, i got to hold this beautiful baby, and now I really want to babysit her. They had beautiful talks.

Um, I don't really know what else to write about. Have some random information:

--My mom just bought the cutest soup bowls ever. And now I fell adorable when I eat soup.
--We just had 'Wizard Week' at my school, didn't really go over well....
--Yesterday I went to a party.
--This music is beautiful:

Okay, have a beautiful sunday and week!

Harvest Moon (c) Natsume Inc.

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