Friday, November 12, 2010

Fairy Dust and Airplanes

So yesterday I had school off for Veteran's day, and one of my friends came over. After playing the blindfolded cat whiskers game (blindfold yourself and draw a cat of your friends face), we were bored and a little hungry, so we decided to make brownies for lunch or breakfast or whatever. While they were cooking my dad randomly came in and said that he found a random dog running in the road, and that he wanted us to go out and look for it, in case it was our neighbors. So we ran up and down the road until my dad caught up with us in his truck, and we began to ride around in the back of his truck. It was so windy I thought I was going to fall out. We never found the dog, but when we got back, the brownies were about done. My friend, who is very short and skinny, was trying on some of my princess dresses from when I was about 6 years old (from halloween) We were eating brownies, watching youtube videos and making ourselves look like cats, when a woman came over and decided to buy my old princess dresses (My dad was selling them online). Since, at the time we had painted our faces to look like cats, with both highlighters, flour, and eyeliner,I was pretty embarassed when my dad asked me to come out and talk to the lady. Five minutes later he called me out again and told me that the lady was a clown. She professionally painted kids' faces, and she liked ours. :D She also pulled out the really awesome puppet and showed it to us. That's pretty ironic. The one day I look like a cat, a clown decideds to come to our house.... After that, we made paper airplanes and shot them out of my attic window. I'm horribly scared of my attic, so that was pretty creepy..........which reminds me, I still need to go and fetch the airplane that landed in my neighbor's truck. We then made ourselves look like faeries, with glitter, and make-up, and skirts. My friend went a little overboard with the glitter, and I'm STILL covered in it (But apparently it's 'Fairy dust' so too much is never enough). After that, not much happened, but we watched tons of youtube videos, specifically amazingphil. Seriously, you need to watch some of these videos...
Not much else happened, but It was a pretty cool day.

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