Saturday, September 24, 2011



So I get a ride to church every morning from a boy who goes to church with me. On Friday morning, we had to pick up two kids who go to a boarding school and also need rides. We're running super late. The class starts a 6, and it was past 6 when we got to their school.

So we're driving down the interstate, and one of the girls says to me, "Is that supposed to be like that?" And points backwards. I look back, and the trunk is wide open. We quickly tell our driver, who (naturally) sort of freaks out.
In the backseat, the girl and I are trying to pull the trunk down, hoping that none of the stuff fell out of the trunk.

We were running so late that our driver says, "We're late enough! I'm not stopping!"

So we drove 60 mph down the wet interstate at 6 with the trunk wide open.
It finally got closed at the first red light.

But it was SO funny! It really brightened up me morning. :)

I feel so old!

I feel really grown up.

I just ordered a pizza, all by myself. And I'm paying for it, all by myself.
Also, this week, a rep. from SCAD came and I got permission to miss class to listen to him. It sounds like a really great college and now i want to go there. :)

Also, I'm in high school. I can't come to grips with that. IT IS SO WEIRD.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Keys to the Kingdom.


I finished them.
I finished all of the Keys to the Kingdom books.

I don't know what to say. I've been reading them since I was younger, and I don't know how to cope with the ending.

I don't like how Arthur became the new architect. That makes me pretty upset. Also that the universe got destroyed and he remade it. The book makes it so God doesn't exist, and I don't like that either.

But, the ending was so not what i expected! Nearly everyone died! FALDKJFASLDKFJHA
I was scared the book was going to end with the one line, "The Universe had returned to the Nothing from which it had been made." (Lord Sunday, Page 303)
That would have scared me to bits.

But I'm really unhappy. I mean, I expected him to just get the last key, put someone else in charge, and return to his normal life, like he always wanted to! But he doesn't! All the things that happened still are there, his mom doesn't exist anymore, and tons and tons of the charecters are dead! I am really upset! Also, I don't like how he spilt into two people, his mortal self and his architect self. I can't comprehend them being the same people. I am REALLY upset about this.

I guess it's because I thought the ending would be different for so long, and now that I'm wrong, I can't cope with it. But it really is annoying!
The first books (In many series, acctually) have such a feel of innocence. As the series prgresses, it gets more and more dramatic. This is why I think the last book was the most......suspensful, but it also has a bigger effect.

Oh gosh, I am really annoyed right now.


The Keys to the Kingdom (c) Garth Nix

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Despite my last post, I'm still up, putting off going to bed.

Okay, so another thing i've discovered (Or rediscovered) is books.


And no no no, not manga, but NOVELS!
I mean, yes, I read. I love reading. I used to read and read and read and read and read and read all the time, until about 7th grade. Then I started to focus on other things, like the internest, for who knows why.
Over the summer I reread a book that i loooooooove.
It's called "House of many ways" and is by Diane Wynne Jones. It is the sequel to "Howl's moving Castle", which is not only a FABULOUS movie, but is a STEOUPENDOUS BOOK.

Wow. I totally butchered that word.

But the ending just made me really happy. It had such a great fairytale ending. I love it!

OKOKOK. So what I acctually wanted to write about in the first place, was the series that i just picked up again. It's called "The Keys to the Kingdom" And is by Garth Nix. I had read the first.....3 and a half when i was in elementary school, but......left off. Some parts just seemed to drag. And i grew bored, i suppose.

I restarted them last year, when i found that a boy who i liked was reading them.
Yeah, that's not the best reason to read them. But it wasn't the only reason. I recognized them and acctually wanted too, okay? Okay. By the end of the school year, I was half way through book 5, and.....I sort of forgot about it.
I went the whole summer without reading it, and this week I picked it up again.

I went through the 6th book in just a little over 1 day. And i'm about half way through the 7, and last book now. I can't say much, other that i think it is totally amazing. It's just so good.

Okay, so I'm a little repetitive here, but it's true. They're great books. Especially as you get along into the later ones.

It's late, and i need to brush my teeth. (And read a little more)
Good night!

I need to learn something called time management

I have free time.
I feel like I don't, but truely, I just use bits and pieces of it not doing anything worthwhile, or putting off my homework.
So I SHOULD be going to bed at 9. I end up going to sleep around 10 or 10:30. My homework is managable. If I did it all when i came home, I would probably have a few hours of free time.

But no. Instead of put off my homework to do somthing pointless, like surf the internet. I tell myself that if i do one piece of homework, then i can have an unreasonaly large break. And i end up having wasted bits of freetime. I feel like i don't have any at all, because i spend the very end of my night finishing homework. (Or i finish it in the 45 minutes between church and school every morning.)

I really need to disipline myself.

Here's hoping that you don't fell into the procrastination cycles. :)

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Of Soccer and Pajama Sam

If you haven't noticed, I really like children's TV shows.
Well I also like children's video games. When i was little, I played TONS of games. I don't know if that's normal for a child, but i LOVED to play on the computer.

When I was in seventh grade, we had a mold contamination, and a LOT of our stuff got packed away in boxes while people came and replaced carpets and knocked out walls and such. I had sort of forgotten about this, or at least.....not cared enough, because I didn't think to acctually start unpacking the boxes until yesterday. And my main motivation for that was Pajama Sam.

I mainly loved the video games by Humongeous Entertainment. My mom and I would play Freddi Fish, Spy Fox, and Pajama Sam ALL THE TIME. I remembered Pajama Sam, and really wanted to play it again, but my mom told me it was in one of the boxes stored away. So yesterday we went down and I looked through all the boxes stored in our cargo van. In the very back box on the bottom, I found a bunch of books and CDs, so we brought it inside, along with two others.

In this box we found TONS of my childhood video games, most importantly Pajama Sam 2 and 3, and Spy Fox 3. I'm sure somewhere, buried in other boxes, there are more of my old games, (specificly PS 1 and 4, spy fox 1 and 2, and all my Freddi fish games) but I'm really happy I found them.

I beat PS 3 last night, (I had to talk it through with my mom) PS 2 this morning, and my mom and I both played Spy Fox together and beat it just now. What is amazingly awesome about these games is that the game changes every time you play it. You can choose (Or have it randomly chosen) the elements of the game, and it's really cool. I could no longer remember perfectly how to do it, I had to think it through.

I still really like all of these games. I want to dress up as Pajama Sam for 'Favorite Charecter Day' at school. First I need to find/make a blue one-si.

In other news, I joined a new soccer league for 14-17 year olds, and we had a scrimage match today. Our uniforms are red! I've had a blue uniform in all my soccer leagues, and I'm glad for the change. XD We lost the scrimage 5 to 0....

I didn't practice soccer at ALL this summer (Well, other than juggeling games and maybe a play match with some guys and my cousins) and I feel like I did really badly. I mean, I was OK, and i made and ok shot at the goal (On one of the few times we got it on their side of the field) and ran really hard, but I am OUT OF SHAPE.

There were times where I felt I could hardly breath. I felt like i couldn't take enough air in, and like I do when we play a pressuring game, I sort of broke down. I started crying because I felt so bad, and...eugh. I have a problem with doing that. I had a meltdown at our final game on my school team. I really hate losing, and I don't like feeling like i'm doing badly. But It was fine, I guess, because it was only a scrimage. The other team has a lot of older players, and I feel confident that we will get a LOT better.

In OTHER OTHER news, today's date is 9/10/11

Pajama Sam, Spy Fox, and Freddi Fish (c) Humongous Entertainment.