Thursday, September 15, 2011

Despite my last post, I'm still up, putting off going to bed.

Okay, so another thing i've discovered (Or rediscovered) is books.


And no no no, not manga, but NOVELS!
I mean, yes, I read. I love reading. I used to read and read and read and read and read and read all the time, until about 7th grade. Then I started to focus on other things, like the internest, for who knows why.
Over the summer I reread a book that i loooooooove.
It's called "House of many ways" and is by Diane Wynne Jones. It is the sequel to "Howl's moving Castle", which is not only a FABULOUS movie, but is a STEOUPENDOUS BOOK.

Wow. I totally butchered that word.

But the ending just made me really happy. It had such a great fairytale ending. I love it!

OKOKOK. So what I acctually wanted to write about in the first place, was the series that i just picked up again. It's called "The Keys to the Kingdom" And is by Garth Nix. I had read the first.....3 and a half when i was in elementary school, but......left off. Some parts just seemed to drag. And i grew bored, i suppose.

I restarted them last year, when i found that a boy who i liked was reading them.
Yeah, that's not the best reason to read them. But it wasn't the only reason. I recognized them and acctually wanted too, okay? Okay. By the end of the school year, I was half way through book 5, and.....I sort of forgot about it.
I went the whole summer without reading it, and this week I picked it up again.

I went through the 6th book in just a little over 1 day. And i'm about half way through the 7, and last book now. I can't say much, other that i think it is totally amazing. It's just so good.

Okay, so I'm a little repetitive here, but it's true. They're great books. Especially as you get along into the later ones.

It's late, and i need to brush my teeth. (And read a little more)
Good night!

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