Friday, September 16, 2011

Keys to the Kingdom.


I finished them.
I finished all of the Keys to the Kingdom books.

I don't know what to say. I've been reading them since I was younger, and I don't know how to cope with the ending.

I don't like how Arthur became the new architect. That makes me pretty upset. Also that the universe got destroyed and he remade it. The book makes it so God doesn't exist, and I don't like that either.

But, the ending was so not what i expected! Nearly everyone died! FALDKJFASLDKFJHA
I was scared the book was going to end with the one line, "The Universe had returned to the Nothing from which it had been made." (Lord Sunday, Page 303)
That would have scared me to bits.

But I'm really unhappy. I mean, I expected him to just get the last key, put someone else in charge, and return to his normal life, like he always wanted to! But he doesn't! All the things that happened still are there, his mom doesn't exist anymore, and tons and tons of the charecters are dead! I am really upset! Also, I don't like how he spilt into two people, his mortal self and his architect self. I can't comprehend them being the same people. I am REALLY upset about this.

I guess it's because I thought the ending would be different for so long, and now that I'm wrong, I can't cope with it. But it really is annoying!
The first books (In many series, acctually) have such a feel of innocence. As the series prgresses, it gets more and more dramatic. This is why I think the last book was the most......suspensful, but it also has a bigger effect.

Oh gosh, I am really annoyed right now.


The Keys to the Kingdom (c) Garth Nix

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