Friday, October 7, 2011

*insert unhappy face here*

Sigh. I know you probably don't want to hear a rant, but i didn't have a very good day. I mean, it started out great. And it was good. Today was the first day all year that i was confused in Algebra. I've been doing pretty well.......but today i just didn't have a good grasp on what was going on.

I had a soccer game tonight. We lost 8-1 (It's always the same team. On this league I have never played in a game against any other team...) Our one goal was scored by a girl who filled in for our missing player. She was younger that the rest of us, I believe, and completly amazing. And while she was fantastic, I felt bad that our only goal was from a temporary team mate. also, I felt like a dirty player. I keept shoving (Which I've always had a problem with, but never THIS bad) and I even played from the ground, when i fell down, and I never got called on it. I feel like i should have gotten a yellow card from all the stuff I did, and i felt awful about it.

Last, In a few weeks, there is a 'reception honoring your student, whose artwork is on display this school year at the.....;ldfj;aslf"
So it's this superintendent's art reception, and i REALLY want to go. I've never gotten a legitimate reward for my artwork (Other than these medals we got for everything in middle school and stuff in elemenatary school) and I really want to go. They're handing out certificates and everything. EXCEPT. I have drivers ed that day. And since I'm already missing a day next week to go on vacation, if I miss that class, I'll fail.
So I can't go.

So.....I'm not in the best mood. Oh well. Life goes on. :)

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