Saturday, October 1, 2011

Lovely lovely lovely

I'm having an amazing day.
I got a flu shot, and I didn't cry. In fact, it only hurt a little. I cried during my last shot which hurt a LOT.
Dad an I went to the park and it was lovely.
We had a great soccer game.
I mean, we lost about 3 to....4 or 5. but I scored a really great goal. Right up high in the back of the net, and i am so happy! I feel really accomplished. We played really great, seeing as last time we scrimaged against this team, we lost 5-0.

I always feel like i get things done when i'm happy. When im sad or bored i sit around and shirk work, but now i can do stuff happily!

Also, it would be cool if you could check this out. :)

(Just wait until it's done loading and press the play button on the bottom left. I hope you like it. :)

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