Friday, December 31, 2010


So I was up late working on this last night. It is fan art of this guy named Amazingphil who posts really funny videos on youtube.
I suggest you watch his videos.
I sent it to him on Facebook and he said he loves it.

A Brief Overview

On Wendnesday I went to a friend's birthday party. We went out to eat at Ruby Tuesdays, Watched a "Land Before Time" movie, and played rock band and the piano.
Yesterday another of my friends came over at 7:30 in the morning.


As in
7:30 AM

As in EARLY.
She comes over early all the time, and I don't really mind, but I have problems with waking up. Today I had to wake up at 10 and I got out of bed at 11:30.
Also that day I had a dream that a burglar was going to come to our house and kill us, but my mom and I were at the store and one of my friends was at my house, so we were buying "Panoramic sound enhancers" (I don't even know what that means) to fool the burglar, but then we realised that it was too late, and we were going back home to see if everyone was dead, or if we still ahd time to save them....and then I woke up. Also the burglar had trivcked the detectives into thinking he was a good guy. O_O

So my friend came over yesterday and we had lots of fun, but I tried to pick her up and carry her over my shoulder like a fireman.....and I pulled a muscle and my back still really hurts. T_T

Then I was up late drawing a picture.......

Sunday, December 26, 2010


Today I made a snowman.
Once I made a really mini snow man that was like, 2 feet tall.
Once I made snow people out of chunks of really hard-ice-snow piled on tope of eachother. They were also very small.
So I am officially counting this as my first oficial, three-part snowman.
My neighbor made it with me.

On a side note, my kitten is adorable.
Okay, she's nearly 3 years old, but she's really tiny!
She's meowing and meowing, and I know she's somewhere to my right but I can't find her so she keeps meowing. I'm picking up blankets and looking for her, but she's not there. I tell her that I can't find her, and the pokes her head out of sthe window curtain, stares at me, and meows.

Okay, bye.


For the first time since 1947, it has snowed on Christmas.
Well, It snowed at night, so I didn't really get to appreciate it until the day after christmas, but it still counts.
I got a tablet for christmas, and I'm pretty sure it is one of the coolest things I've ever seen.
We had a couple of people over for dinner on Christmas. We played lots of loud games like Jenga and Kaplonk.

I really want to watch this old show called "Monster Allergy" but...I think it was canceled from TV and there is no other place to watch it in English. So.....I'm stuck watching tributes to the charecters on Youtube.

I would like to go outside, but it is cold and I don't want to mess up the snow.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

And To All A Good Night!

My family is on the front page of the newspaper!
There is a really long article about my dad's heart condition and there is a picture of my family.
I can't belive we are on the front page on christmas!
Merry christmas everyone!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

You're Not With the Program!

I did absolutely nothing today but wake up, watch movies, and play video games.
Then we went to our neighbor (Well, more like family friend)'s house and ate dinner. Their cat is younger than my cat but bigger than it. Their cat sat in their chrismas tree and kept swatting, hissing, and bitting at me. I have lots of scratches on my hand now. Well....I shouldn't really have been aggravating it....I guess that is why it doesn't like me.
Their son is in college, though is shorter than me. He has really long hair.
He let me braid his hair.
He picked me up when we left, even though he's shorter than me.
We all went to see those music cordinated lights I told you about earlier.
We stayed about 5 hours.
"You need to go through this process: How will you get over there? Will you walk, bike, unicycle, or take a segway?"

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Christmas Lights - To A New Extreme

There is a house off of my street where the lights flash to the music on this station on the radio.
The TONS of lights flash in tune of the beat, melody, and lyrics.
They even have a reindeer, donkey, and porky pig face whose mouths' move in tune of the lyrics.

Lunar Eclipse

There was a lunar eclipse last night.
Apparently, they only happen every 372 years. :D
I woke up at 2 AM when the moon was nearly covered. It was really dark, and almost tinted red. IT WAS SO COOL!
I had lost my camera, and my moms camera went dead, so we didn't get any pictures....
But it was awesome!

EDIT: I'm sort of a liar. By accident. I'm an accidental liar. Lunar eclipses happen semi-often, but one on the WINTER SOLSTICE only happens once every 372 years. Okay.

Monday, December 20, 2010


So I just got back from this 'gift exchange' my friends put together.
I gave two of my friends piano books, and one of them pastels.
I got socks. XD
Socks are sort of my trademark, I love them.
Especially LONG socks.
So one of my friends gave me the most fuzzy fuzzy long blue socks ever. They're fluffy. And amazing. :D
One of my friends gave me nail polish and Invader Zim socks. (Both of us love that show) They say "Tacos" On them. They're awesome.
One of my friends gave me dark green and light blue long striped socks and........A KILLERS CD. (Sam's Town) :D

In other news, I just got interviewed by a news reporter about my dad.

Colored Pencils

Just a quick sketch I did.
I named her Haruna.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

.......And I'm back!

So I just finished watching the entire 1st season of Negima.
It's really good.
I wonder if there is a second season......
I really want to read the books now. XD


So I bought this book for a plane ride.
When I read it, i was like, "WHOA."
(It''s a little perverted.)
It's 16+, which I didn't realised until after I bought it)
But boy, is it amazing.
The art work is perfect.
I haven't been able to finish the manga, but I've started watching the anime.
Aome how the author/artis took tons of charecters and made each on unique, in both aperance and personality, something I've been needing to work on.
The story line is amazing, if not a bit confusing.
I'm on episode 25, where Asuna died.
There are like, 5 ninjas in that class, the most powerful human ever, a vampire-wizard, a robot, and ghost.
And no one has said anything?
Oh, and the teacher is a 10-year old wizard.
And one of the kids just died.....I'm not certain why, I think whe made a pact with the devil or something.
I can't even describe it.
But It is SO touching.
I cried when Evangeline to Negi they couldn't reaise the dead, I cried when Yue kissed Negi in front of Nadoka.
Nadoka is my favorite.
She is so quiet, so cute. I am thinking of cosplaying as her for Animazement.
But really, thisshow and book is so full of emotion and plot twists....
I really want to learn Japaneese.
I'm on winter break now, so I've been watching it all last night.
I seriously cannot explain how this story makes me feel.
I wish that I could go on and on about it, but I really want to finish watching it....
I'll post some pictures later.
Negima! (c) Ken Akamatsu

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Rain and Walk-a-Thons.

We had a walk-a-thon at my school today to raise money for my dad's heart transplant.

And it rained.

I'm not trying to sound critical, but that was really bad timing. We raised a lot of money, even if it was really cold.
They sold hot chocolate and baked goods, and tons of my friends and people I've never met came.
So, thank you If you came and supported us.


I went to the best party ever last night.
So 3 of my friends and I went to this guy's house (It was his birthday)and we all played this game called 'risk' in his room until more people came. My best friend from fifth grade who I haven't seen in a long time was invited. :D
We watched a bunch of funny videos on the internet.
We all went downstairs and ate pizza and veggies. It was scrumptous. :3
We all played 'Beatles Rock Band', and I was really bad at the guitar (well, in my favor, I couldn't see; I didn't have my glasses. (My dad came and took them right before the party to get me new lenses)
I had to borrow my friend's glasses to sing.
I was being destroyed in chess while some other people played video games.
The guy who was totally beating me had wiped out all my pieces except for one pawn and my king, while I only had his........bishop, two pawns, and the queen.
He asked for my friend to come 'evaluate his process'.
It went like this:
"Okay, what color pieces are you?"
"You're good."
And I thought I was good at chess. >.<
We all went ice skating and on the way there we had an awesome conversation with my friend's sister about manga. Which of course, you know I love.
Ice skating was simply amazing.
I had acctually been wanting to go for a long time.
I figure that I'm pretty good. I was helping some of my friends skate.
After the zamboni (Those are creepy.) came around and the ice was soaking wet, of course I fell flat on my back. Them on my stomach. Soaking wet. D:
And since I love skating so much, now my ankles are all....raw? hurt.
We went back to the house and ate cake. We were picking out a movie to watch. (We had a tough time finding one with a....not R-rating that everyone agreeded on) when my mom came to pick me up. She gave me my glasses, took my backpack, and let me stay longer. I had already given everone hugs (My buddy from 5th grade literally picked me up off the ground).
We ended up watching this movie called 'Orange County'.
It was really funny, but...lets just say it was rated PG-13 for a reason.
I called my mom to pick me up (It was midnight :O) and we read manga in my friend's sister's room until there.
It was seriously the best party I've ever been to.

Thursday, December 9, 2010


One more random thing.
I sorta predicted a song on the radio yesterday.
I asked my mom about it, and then it was the next song.
It was "Same Old Lang Sign" by Dan Fogelburg.
I like that song.
'Kay, Bye.


I need new glasses.
Yesterday I went to the eye doctor, and my eyes are so bad that my mom could read the letters on the eyechart without glasses while I couldn't read them with glasses.
They put dialating stuff in my eyes, and my pupils got all big and light hurt.
They also put numbing stuff on my eyes, then took the pressure of my eyes.
The numbing stuff really stung.
And I sort of freaked out when I realised the eye-pressure-taker-thing was acctually touching my eye.
After I put my glasses back on, I realised how badly I need new glasses.
My glasses have been making me really dizzy and giving me occational headaches.
One of the lenses seems to be stronger than the other, and since my eyes have changed since I got these last year, somethings just look confusing.
The end.

Monday, December 6, 2010


I just finished the "Me and My Brothers" series.
I'm sad that I'm finished.
It's such a good series, as I've said before, and It needs more credit.


The library I go to only has the first 9 books, so I just bought the tenth and 11th.
You have no idea how unbelivably happy I got at the scavenger race when Masashi brought back Sakura under the item of "Girlfriend".
I knew Susuki was going to win. The chicken is a nice touch. :D

I love Susuki.
I really wish he had an unbelivably happy ending.
I wanted him to date Sakura.
And since that didn't happen, I at least wanted him to go on a date with Tanaka or something.

I didnt like Nana as much in these books.

I seriously nearly cried when Masashi lost him mermory.
Really truely.
Tears were welling up in my eyes until I got to the point where he got better.
I liked the line,
"Who'se hobby IS this?!!?"

All together, I love the series.

I do not own 'Me and My Brothers"

My Happy Happy Happy Day

I have had a wonderful day today.

* I've found out that my school is doing a middle-school production of "A Midsummer's night Dream" and I'm really excited. I really want to audition and be in it.

* I borrowed a pencil from a girl in my math class, AND IT CHANGES COLOR. It's heat sensetive and changes from purple to pink when you press on it. My friends were unimpressed with my discovery; they'd heard of them already. But I am still very happy.

* I got invited to a party this week and I'm really happy. Seriously, once I hung up the phone I started jumping up and down.

* Uhhhh

* I like bullet points.

EDIT: 12-11-10
(Whoa, I never realised that was acctually the date)
We aren't acctually doint 'A Midsummer's Night Dream".
It was for my teacher's third period class only.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Current Status: Freezing My Fingers Off.

So I just got back from Florida.
And If I thought it was cold in Florida
(Which it is)
Then It is DEFINATLY cold here.
It snowed.
First snowfall of the season.
In other news....
The funeral was really sad.
I've never acctually been to an open-casket funeral.
On the flight back home, we had a reallllllly cool flight attendant.
At the begining of the flight she said,
"Remember, this is a open-seating flight, meaning you can sit anywhere you like, and you don't have to sit of top of each other........unless you're into that kind of thing."
At the end of the flight she said,
"If you leave anything on the plane after you leave.....make sure it's valuable so we can sell it on EBAY."

I feel really bad for leavaing my three cats at home with no heat in the house.
The house is heating up as we speak, but it's still 56 degrees Farinheit, and i can barely type.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Faith County

Tonight I saw my school's production of the play 'Faith County'. It's a REALLY hilarious play. I had read it in theater class and auditioned for it, but didn't make it. It's about a bunch of country people at a county fair. Somebody dies, people get married, it's a real knee-slapper. My favorite part was when the town....well, she's really loose, is confronting this guy (who was played by one of my friends) about marrying her. (She's totally in love with him and he doesn't really care about her) She gets so angry at him that she pushes him onto the table and shakes him. He's all curled up into a little ball, looking frightened, and it's hilarious. This girl also cuts her bridal dress up....really short. There's a lot of bad poetry done by her as well, and some bad singing too. The town idiot, Bubba, (also played by one of my friends) its conducting the wedding....wearing one of those long black robes....but no pants under it. You can totally see his boxers, or swim trunks or whatever they are. a whole bunch of people were cast as vendors and townsfolk, and they were to sell popcorn and cotton candy (Not at the showing I was at, it was a dress rehearsal) and at the beggining they did a big song and dance number.
The play was really cute. :D

Afterwards my mother and I went to the grocery store.
I like grocery stores.
We are leaving for Florida tomorrow.