Saturday, December 11, 2010


I went to the best party ever last night.
So 3 of my friends and I went to this guy's house (It was his birthday)and we all played this game called 'risk' in his room until more people came. My best friend from fifth grade who I haven't seen in a long time was invited. :D
We watched a bunch of funny videos on the internet.
We all went downstairs and ate pizza and veggies. It was scrumptous. :3
We all played 'Beatles Rock Band', and I was really bad at the guitar (well, in my favor, I couldn't see; I didn't have my glasses. (My dad came and took them right before the party to get me new lenses)
I had to borrow my friend's glasses to sing.
I was being destroyed in chess while some other people played video games.
The guy who was totally beating me had wiped out all my pieces except for one pawn and my king, while I only had his........bishop, two pawns, and the queen.
He asked for my friend to come 'evaluate his process'.
It went like this:
"Okay, what color pieces are you?"
"You're good."
And I thought I was good at chess. >.<
We all went ice skating and on the way there we had an awesome conversation with my friend's sister about manga. Which of course, you know I love.
Ice skating was simply amazing.
I had acctually been wanting to go for a long time.
I figure that I'm pretty good. I was helping some of my friends skate.
After the zamboni (Those are creepy.) came around and the ice was soaking wet, of course I fell flat on my back. Them on my stomach. Soaking wet. D:
And since I love skating so much, now my ankles are all....raw? hurt.
We went back to the house and ate cake. We were picking out a movie to watch. (We had a tough time finding one with a....not R-rating that everyone agreeded on) when my mom came to pick me up. She gave me my glasses, took my backpack, and let me stay longer. I had already given everone hugs (My buddy from 5th grade literally picked me up off the ground).
We ended up watching this movie called 'Orange County'.
It was really funny, but...lets just say it was rated PG-13 for a reason.
I called my mom to pick me up (It was midnight :O) and we read manga in my friend's sister's room until there.
It was seriously the best party I've ever been to.

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