Sunday, December 5, 2010

Current Status: Freezing My Fingers Off.

So I just got back from Florida.
And If I thought it was cold in Florida
(Which it is)
Then It is DEFINATLY cold here.
It snowed.
First snowfall of the season.
In other news....
The funeral was really sad.
I've never acctually been to an open-casket funeral.
On the flight back home, we had a reallllllly cool flight attendant.
At the begining of the flight she said,
"Remember, this is a open-seating flight, meaning you can sit anywhere you like, and you don't have to sit of top of each other........unless you're into that kind of thing."
At the end of the flight she said,
"If you leave anything on the plane after you leave.....make sure it's valuable so we can sell it on EBAY."

I feel really bad for leavaing my three cats at home with no heat in the house.
The house is heating up as we speak, but it's still 56 degrees Farinheit, and i can barely type.

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