Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Years!

Well, more like happy new years eve.
I went to a dance last night, and it was pretty cool. Sadly we didn't get home until 1:30. It was pretty crazy because the fog machine set off the fire alarm. The songs were really weird in the way that most of them were remixes and we really didn't know how to dance to them. Thankfully, they did have a lot of slow dances. :)

Also, my new camera has a function where you can edit pictures while they're still on the camera. It's super cool. :D

Pajama Sam (c) Humongous Entertainment
I love these game. :) My friend added on the feet.

Friday, December 30, 2011

Hi again.

So another thing I wanted to say was that I finished the Havest Moon comic I was working on. ((c) Natsume Inc.) It ended up being 32 pages long and I fully painted in watercolors and inked. I'm just doing touch-ups with colored pencils now, and I'm happy to have all of the hard stuff finished. I liked doing it though. It made me feel a sense of commitment, in a way. And I'm glad to finish something I started. I would love to do it again, minus all the coloring and inking.

I think I'm going to make it a plan to post a picture on every one of these posts. So here:

I like to call this 'Cardboard Jungle' because Charlotte had so much time playing in it.

And Here's an awful quality picture of a painting I did of Charlotte. I did painting of two kids at my school as well.

Sleepy sleepy sleepy

I think I might be sick, minorly. I've been so tired. Like, if I lean foward to pick up my kitten, when I plop back down all my energy is gone. O_O
Tonight I'm going to go to a dance, and I'm afraid that I'll have no energy to dance. Hopefully that won't be the case and I'll have a comeback. Or my random energy losses can be during the songs I don't like. :)
Here are some photos:

I got a new camera for christmas, so I'll take some pictures with it and upload them soon. Happy December!
I can't wait to get back to school. Staying at home, I'm really sleepy and have nothing to do. I miss some of the kids at my school. you know how when you're buddies with someone, but not good enough friends to really hang out outside school? I like being able to see people at school.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Winter Break. :)

So, usually on breaks I fall into a pit of boredom and despair.
So this time I made a checklist!
So far today I've colored at least....7 pages in my comic, finished a drawing to submit to a contest:

(Harvest Moon (c) Natsume Inc.)

I've also read a chapter of my school book and....eaten lunch. Amazing. Usually I forget or don't bother to eat anything but junk! :) that I've written it, it sure sounds like I didn't nothing........

Well. I swear I did. And I'm going to get my comic finished by the end of break!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Time Changes.

So I was just looking through some of my old posts, and I found one where I was complaining about waking up at 7:30.

Well, now I look back and I'm like, "Wow Brooke, you're lame".

I mean, 7:30 seems really late when you wake up at 5:45. Which now I do every day before school for seminary.

It's crazy how people can change.

Whoa, it's been a while!

I have to much to say, and very little motivation to say it.
So, I recently attended National Portfolio Day. (Which is held in Washington D.C., and a whole lot of college representatives are there to review your portfolio and give you college info.)

My school has a trip each year (Since we're an arts school) and I was one of the 3 freshmen who attened (More were invited, but didn't go). It was really cool. I met with 9 colleges (After being in line for one of the for 1 hour.) and I just had a really good time. We also went to the national gallery, and the art there is AMAZING. I saw the "Journey of Life" painting (We had looked at them in english class) and they were so stunning in person. They were just amazing.
I also made friends with one of the student teachers (We were dancing randomly in Ruby Tuesday and Union Station) and there was this crazy McDonald's we went to that had a child play area that all made noise. They had a carpet like a piano, where you'd step on the keys and they would play like a piano. It was super cool.

Apart from that, I've been doing paintings. I've been going around to people and asking for their picture to do an acryllic painting. I've done two so far, and one of my kitten. I've also been making fleece hats (I've had quite a few people ask to buy them) and working on a comic. It's a Harvest Moon fan comic, and for some reason, i decided i would watercolor it. It's sort of driving me crazy, beacause it's SO MUCH work watercoloring every page! We're working in watercolor in school now, so it's works out well that way.

Today in church, i got to hold this beautiful baby, and now I really want to babysit her. They had beautiful talks.

Um, I don't really know what else to write about. Have some random information:

--My mom just bought the cutest soup bowls ever. And now I fell adorable when I eat soup.
--We just had 'Wizard Week' at my school, didn't really go over well....
--Yesterday I went to a party.
--This music is beautiful:

Okay, have a beautiful sunday and week!

Harvest Moon (c) Natsume Inc.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving Break!

So I think I had a migrane yesterday. That's what my parents say, anyway.
I left school during 2nd period with a horrible headache. I coudln't concentrate. At one point I raised my hand to say something and had to stop in the middle because I was scared I was going delutional and wouldn't make any sense. (Which I've done before when I've been sick) On the car ride home, My hand went asleep, even though I was using it, and I had the worst, throbbing pain on the left side of my head that I've ever had.
I got sick, and ended up sleeping pretty much all day.
Today I woke up early, super happy and pretty healthy. I only randomly get head pains at sudden movements and such now. I made 2 more hats (One rabbit one for me, one plain one for my mom) and two scarves. I watched movies all day. I could nearly feel myself losing my muscles. O_O

Spoiler alerts*****

My mom brought home the movie "The Princess Bride" ((c) William Goldman), which I've been wanting to see for quite a bit. (Okay, maybe I've been wanting to see it because my crush dressed up as Prince Humperdinck for Halloween, and was disapointed when I had only watched the movie halfway through with less than perfect attention and interest) BUT ANYWAY. The movie was better than I remembered AND THE MOVIE CASE IS SO COOL BECAUSE IF YOU TURN IT UPSIDE DOWN IT STILL SAYS "THE PRINCESS BRIDE" AND I'M NOT GOING TO GET OVER THAT SOOON.
As I was saying, It was very nice, but I grew to like Wesley less and less as the movie went on. He started off heroic and funny and nice and handsome and romantic, and he just ended up....violent and sort of a jerk. I also thought Buttercup (Which I still can't imagine is her real name) and his reunion was a little odd. AND SOME JOKES AND THINGS THEY SAID JUST MADE ME LIKE, "WHOA. WHY WOULD THEY SAY THAT?!?!!?"
It was a very funny film though, and I'm glad they didn't acctually torture the prince.

Have a good Thanksgiving!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Accidentally stupid.

So Brooke, what stupid thing did you do today?
Well, Brooke, I stuck my hair in hot melted wax, if that counts.

YES. My mom and I were waxing leaves (To preserve them for decoration) and when I reach over to set one to dry, my hair fell in our bowl of hot melted wax. And i stood up and it dripped all down my shirt and skirt. We ended up sticking my hair in boiling hot water, then toweling it off. It still feels a little waxy though.

On the brigther side, I had an awesome weekend.
My mum and I went shopping (Always a treat) and got piano music, make-up, and art supplies. We had a lot of fun, and I also had a piano recital.

Everyone played, from the older, more advanced kids, to a 3 year old, who is just beggining. I messed up a couple times, but I felt really good. :) I played 'Think of me' from 'Phantom of the Opera' ((c) Andrew Lloyd Webber) and 'Cristofori's Dream' by David Lans. The second is my favorite piece and I memorized it. It was great. :)

All the youth in our Church stake had a service project, throwing a party for members of the special olympics. It was really fun and I met some really cool people. There was one guy who absolutely loved to dance and gave everyone hugs. :)

I also made my first fleece(And felt) hat. It fits really well, is comfy, and I think it's pretty cute. It's a cat. I think it's pretty good for my first time-the ears are way to big, however, and one is really....weird, and the seem isn't centered on the front, BUT I LIKE IT ANYWAY.
So, farewell!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Hey you guys!

So, Hi.
Lets jump to the subject today. (There acctually is a main subject, surprisingly.)

I entered this contest for an Autumn themed Harvest moon picture, and this is what I came up with:

My scanner bleached everything out, and my camera took it pretty dark (I didn't want to edit it) so here are two pictures.

So, even though neither of those are great quality, what do you think? I think it looks better in person. XD

Harvest Moon (c) Natsume Inc.

Friday, November 11, 2011


Okay, so right now it is 11/11/11 at 11:11 P.M.
By the way, did you know that P.M. stands for Post Meridian?
Also, this is my 100th post. I'd say it's an awesome coincedince, but I sort of planned it...
Darn it. I was so involved timing this that Ii forgot to make a wish. FAIL.

So today I visited a friend who moved to Pennsylvania. She came back for the weekend and threw a party and it was lovely! We were all running down the road (In the forest) to the park, and I'm not sure what happened, but me and this other girl both ended up falling. I might have accidently tripped her, or she might have tripped and I fell over her (I distinctly remember jumping) but anyway, we crashed into the road. She skined her ankle and I skinned my shoulders and sort of my chin. It was a little ironic, because 3 seconds prior, our friend asked, "Why are we running?"

Well, anyway it was lovely. And we had off of school today for veteran's day. So that's nice as well. I got sheet music for "All I Want For Christmas Is You" by Mariah Carey, which is one of my favorite christmas songs ever.

Also I've fallen in love with writing comics. Right now I'm making a fan comic for Harvest Moon ((c) Natusme Inc.) and it's interesting. The plot is over done (It's one of the 'girl dates guy1 to get attention from guy2 then falls for guy1" plots) Which, I hate that plot. But some how my story, being writen as I go fell that But it looks okay. I'm watercoloring it. I now have a HUGE watercolor section in my sketchbook, defined by the huge volume of the wrinkley pages. In a fabulous coincedince, my assignment for Beg. 2D this week is to write a comic.

I wish I had something amazing to announce, you know, since this is the 100th post.....but I don't. Ummm....I've been drinking chocolate milk all day. My dad sprayed my kitten with cologne. I'm happy. So..... Yup.

Have a lovely day!
Oh, and if you can, please please comment!

Thursday, November 10, 2011


Hi. It's been a while since I've written, and I'm not sure what to start with.
"Tom Sawyer" by Mark Twain is a really good book. I'm nearly done with it and it's really amazing.
I did end up telling that boy that I like him. I wrote him a note. I'm sure he read it (I wasn't there if/when he did) and he didn't say anything. Acctually, he probably already knew. Oh well.

I went to figure drawing again this week and it was AMAZING. Well sort of. I didn't have the best patience that day, and our model DID. Our model (One kid's mother, who was awesome by posing and bringing cookies) posed for an hour and a half strait. It was crazy! I didn't care for my picture very much, and I really wanted her to move so I could stop working on mine. But I ended up finishing and having it look pretty great. Even the portfolio kids thought it was good. The teacher said that it was good enough to take on the portfolio trip.

Right. You most likely don't know about the portfolio trip. So every year our school has a trip up to Washington D.C. with the art students (Mainly seniors and Juniors) to get our portfolios reviewed by college boards and go to the musame and such. One of my friends and I are going, (Even though we are freshmen and was behind everyone else) and I'm really looking foward to it. I need to make more art. O_O

Also, I finished writing a fanfiction about Harvest Moon ((c) Natsume Inc.) if you'd like to read it here:
Sadly there are errors in spelling and such.

I went to our schools guitar concert and it was lovely. My crush's class played "Every Breath you Take" by the Police, which is one of my favorite songs. So I was going crazy in my head. SO AWESOME. And everyone was really good too.

Also, have some photos! I've been going crazy with photography lately, and here are some of my favorites:

As always, If you'd like to see more:

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Happy November

I think today's date is pretty neat. 11-1-11. It's also two of my friends' birthdays, one of which was born at 1:11. Now that's neat.

I got to stay after school of figure drawing class, in which we did super quick watercolor refence pictures. Mine didn't turn out very well, but it was really relaxing. I love watercolors!

One super awkward part of the day:
so today I decided I would tell the guy i like that i like him.
And i failed. Badly. I couldn't say anything.
I went up to him, and said him name, and he was like, "Yes? You said my name."
And I awkwardly changed the subject. XD Before I said anything.

Hope you have a less awkward and awesome day!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween everyone!
(I'm really tired, so this post is most likely going to be blah.)

So, even though I'm in high school and it's halloween, I didn't go trick or treating. My street isn't really a trick or treat street. Even if I did go, I don't think anyone would have candy to give away. XD
I did face make-up to look like I was bleeding from my mouth. My english teacher thought it was real and came up to me all scared that I was hurt. :)
So I'm just staying home painting and watching "The nightmare before Christmas" ((c) Tim Burton)

We had a tea party in class today. (Since we made teapots--class was a little weird since I don't drink tea) We're also working in scratchboard in my 2D class, which can be a little nerve-wracking. During photography, we went out shooting, which i like. My photo partner is really cool and gave me whole lot of great ideas. I got to watch 8th graders play 4-square (With like, 8 people at once) while she shot.

Um. Yeah. Good night.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Evil Genius Review

(I've changed the design of this blog again. Now the rain thing acctually makes sense.)

So I just finished reading the 'Evil Genius' series by Cathrine Jinks.
It's really good. I was hooked on the first book. It was amazing.


So it's about this boy named Cadel who is a genius computer hacker guy enrolled in an evil college, being trained to do bad things. The first book is really good, and the whole series is full of the craziest plot twists. And even though the plot twists are extreme, the way they are presented is great. It completely works. There is so much....I don't want to say drama, but.....I guess so much mysery? So much mystery, and it's a really gripping series.

The second book changes the atmosphere (Not of plot twists and mystery) when he changes sides. In the first book, he's sort of bad. He plays for the bad guys and is really stuck up. He is trained to think that he is superior to everyone because of his mental ability. He sort of falls for this girl that he meets online (under a fake name) and really befriends her. She turns out to be disabled, with cerebral palsy (That discovery made me so sad, because he had tricked her) and she shows him the good way to think. By the end of the book, he turns around, and realises that his so called 'friends' are really awful, and....yeah. They're all murderers and such, and he realises that he's not comfortable with that.

So in the second book, he joins a group of kids working to take the one villian (Prosper English) down. Two new charecters are introduced, and they end up adopting him at the end of the book.

In the third book, there is a lot of craziness. He finally has a happy life with his new parents and friends, but Propser English keeps appearing to hurt him and his loved ones. He wants to protect them and sort of goes back to his old ways. In order to get away, he uses forged passports, steals a plane tickets, and does a lot of pretty risky stuff. He ends up working for the police most of the book, and.....the ending is odd.

Every book ends sort of the same way. There is a HUGE dramatic climax near the end, involving Prosper English (With a gun, popping out of no where, surprising everyone) and police. In the third book, everyone seems a little crazy. The bad guy is getting a little insane, Cadel going a little crazy, stakes are high, etc, etc.

It's really hard to sumerize this series. The atmosphere changes. Like, how in Harry potter, the first books have this really innocent "we are little kids" sort of air, and by the 7th book, it's suddently REALLY dramatic. It's like that in this series too, but in a different way.

I could also compare it to 'The Hunger Games'. Each book is different, a whole different major problem, with sort of the same basic problem intertwined (Well, I guess that goes for all series) and while the first book is mainly it's own personal issue, the last book gets into the HUGE MAJOR continuous thing, with the bad guy and everything. Some people have said that the ending of the hunger games is bad. I feel like it was a little cut off, and that it definatly could have been expanded. The third book, Genius wars, is just like that. The ending just cuts off.

It sounds like the ending is the middle of the chapter. It's not even the end of a chapter. It feels like the author just randomly stopped writing. Sure, the bad guy is gone, and the hero returns home, but he is still facing mental stress. He has been arguing one point (That Prosper English isn't all that bad) for the duration of the 2nd and 3rd books. He never reaches a conclusion for that thought. It could be wrapped up to say that he starts to believe that Prosper is a bad guy, or it could say that he still believes he is, and one of his friends agrees with his.

But the ending is that he has his idea of Prosper, and no one agrees with him. They all sympasize (How do you spell that) with him and pity him, but they DON'T BELIEVE HIM! The book ends with him crying over his internal turmoil. It feels really cut off.

Another thing is the charecter of Sonja. Sonja is his friend from the first book with Carebral Palsy. He cares SO DEEPLY for her. They're best friends, and he never wraps things up with her. He doesn't even talk to her in the ending, even though she is RIGHT THERE. He should at least apologize, or kiss her (He says he wants too (As a friend, I believe) but that there are 'too many people around'), or even talk to her, ask her how she is feeling, tell her how he cares for her. But no, he just ignores her!

Sonja has had a crush on him forever. He thinks of her as a friend, and doesn't really seems to care that she feels that way about him. That is especially annoying, seeing as the series ends without any wrap up of that. I feel like the should have a mutual feeling towards eachother, wheather it be friendship or love (Even though he is only 15, and should wait a year before dating).

Cadel (That's the main charecter's name, FYI) does not seem to have any charecter growth. Sure, he learns right from wrong, but by the end of the 3rd book, he still blames himself and sticks to his own way of thinking.

On a better note, i love the charecter of Cadel. He graduates from highschool at the age of 13, and is adorable. He is described as looking really really young, almost feminine, or like a child. He has curly chestnut hair, and big blue eyes. I personally think that he sounds gorgeous. And i can see his point of view for the most part too. I love his charecter design, but I still think more things could have been wrapped up in the ending.

Another point of interest is Gazo. This charecter is sort of...used by Cadel in the first book, (He's not the smartest, but he has a great personality) and for most of the third book too, as Cadel suffers a relapse of his old, controling personality. Even though he manipulates Gazo, he NEVER APOLOGIZES. He seems to drown in apologies for others, like his adoptive father, but he never once considers Gazo. In fact, He and Gazo don't even really talk at the end at all!

I also feel as though the ending had a lot of loose ends. I may just not be getting it all (There is a LOT of informations shoved in these books), but some things i feel were not wrapped up very well. The ending of the last book is also fairly frayed. Did Prosper save Cadel? Is Cadel just deluded? I think if that one question had beed answered, that the ending would have been a lot more resolute.

For example, if we KNEW for certain that Cadel was saved by Prosper, then we could agree that Cadel is in the right. If there is still that uncertainty, then we never can tell if he is just misguided.

I personally think that Cadel was rescued by Prosper, and that Cadel is right. But as I've said before (Sorry for the repitition), no one agrees with him! You can't come up with a resolution, unless there is some agreement among the charecters!

Okay. So I feel like I'm stressing the parts of the book that I don't like.
Please don't take this the wrong way. The series is AMAZING (I mean, the charecters could have cleaner language) and it's extremely deep. I don't want my opinion of the end to stop anyone else from reading the series. The first book, for example is FANTASTIC.

And if there ever turns out to be a 4th book that wraps up the confusion at the end, then I'm sure that everything will be great. The series is amazing.

Okay. This is a sort of awkward way to end this post, but bye.
(Gosh, I feel so bad. I don't want this to be a bad review, I really don't!)

'Evil Genius', 'Genius Squad', and 'The Genius Wars' (c) Catherine Jinks
'Harry Potter' (c) J. K. Rowling
'The Hunger Games' (c) Suzanne Collins

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Blue Gatorade

I just wrote a whole long beautiful post and somehow it got deleted.

That's a little sad.
I wont retype it perfectly, but the jist was that

We lost the soccer game (No suprise there), but i did OKAY in the second half.
I got to go to the library and read by the lake.
Halloween dance tonight. I made a Toothless Costume (How to Train your Dragon) which included wings made out of clothes hanger, bendy wire, and fabric. And a lot of glue. lots and lots of glue.
Last night i went to a soccer clinic that turned out to be for elementary school kids and awkwardly had to borrow a phone from a stranger to call home.
The wire/tin fish me made in Beg. 3D got hung up in the cafeteria.

Well. That's it.
Have a fabulous weekend.

How to Train your Dragon (c) Dreamworks/Cressida Cowell

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Vacation and Babies

Okay, so first things first, I went to Florida.
To Orlando.
To Universal Studios.
To The Wizarding World of Harry Potter.
It was pretty neat. It was way smaller than I imagined (They could have made a whole theme park if they wanted to) but it was great. It was really well detailed. The food that I ate at the Three Broomsticks however, was AWFUL. and the butterbeer I thought was nasty, but I guess it was like a root beer float? Hmm, I don't know.

Also, my family has decided that we are getting another kitten. My aunt got some kittens from a stray cat, and is giving one to my family and one to my aunt. They are twins. I want to name them either Peanut butter and Jelly or Bonnie and Clyde.
They sort of have siamese patterns. THEY'RE ADORABLE.

I would love to write more on the subject (And other awesome things, Like my huge pile of homework and 3D project) but I'll give it a rest. G'night.

Harry Potter (c) J., K. Rowling
The Wizarding world of harry potter (c) Universal Studios

Friday, October 7, 2011

*insert unhappy face here*

Sigh. I know you probably don't want to hear a rant, but i didn't have a very good day. I mean, it started out great. And it was good. Today was the first day all year that i was confused in Algebra. I've been doing pretty well.......but today i just didn't have a good grasp on what was going on.

I had a soccer game tonight. We lost 8-1 (It's always the same team. On this league I have never played in a game against any other team...) Our one goal was scored by a girl who filled in for our missing player. She was younger that the rest of us, I believe, and completly amazing. And while she was fantastic, I felt bad that our only goal was from a temporary team mate. also, I felt like a dirty player. I keept shoving (Which I've always had a problem with, but never THIS bad) and I even played from the ground, when i fell down, and I never got called on it. I feel like i should have gotten a yellow card from all the stuff I did, and i felt awful about it.

Last, In a few weeks, there is a 'reception honoring your student, whose artwork is on display this school year at the.....;ldfj;aslf"
So it's this superintendent's art reception, and i REALLY want to go. I've never gotten a legitimate reward for my artwork (Other than these medals we got for everything in middle school and stuff in elemenatary school) and I really want to go. They're handing out certificates and everything. EXCEPT. I have drivers ed that day. And since I'm already missing a day next week to go on vacation, if I miss that class, I'll fail.
So I can't go.

So.....I'm not in the best mood. Oh well. Life goes on. :)

Monday, October 3, 2011


Today i started drivers ed.

Three hours nearly entirely made of boredem......LAJFDLASJDFALKSfd Plus now 5 of my afternoon plans have been ruined for the week......oh well.

This was my reaction to Driver's ed:

My mommy made me cookies. :)

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Lovely lovely lovely

I'm having an amazing day.
I got a flu shot, and I didn't cry. In fact, it only hurt a little. I cried during my last shot which hurt a LOT.
Dad an I went to the park and it was lovely.
We had a great soccer game.
I mean, we lost about 3 to....4 or 5. but I scored a really great goal. Right up high in the back of the net, and i am so happy! I feel really accomplished. We played really great, seeing as last time we scrimaged against this team, we lost 5-0.

I always feel like i get things done when i'm happy. When im sad or bored i sit around and shirk work, but now i can do stuff happily!

Also, it would be cool if you could check this out. :)

(Just wait until it's done loading and press the play button on the bottom left. I hope you like it. :)

Going to Carolina in my Mind

So my dad (Like he's been wanting me to for a long time) took me out to look at all the scenery and such. We drove to this beautiful park/woods, and walked through it, and it was just so tranquil. It was really beautiful and i want to go out and take pictures one day. It brought back a lot of memories of when i was little and our class would go hiking through the woods or go to the park. I was feeling so nostalgic.

It didn't help that then we went driving to another place that he's been dying to show me. It's this beautiful little street with big houses and HUGE front lawns. It secluded away from everything else, and it's just beautiful. It rememinds me of my old babysitter's a way. I guess it was the huge lawns and white picket fences. She had a really nice house, to. I think either she or the house next to her had a donkey. I don't exactly know who's it was. I have a lot of memories from there.

Wrap that up with the fact that its the first day of october and definatly feels like it, and you've got a very peaceful girl. I'm not a fan of winter, but i love fall. It's just got that chilly feeling where your cheeks are really cold, and you still love it. I always liked autumn best.

I love North Carolina.
Title (c) James Taylor

Saturday, September 24, 2011



So I get a ride to church every morning from a boy who goes to church with me. On Friday morning, we had to pick up two kids who go to a boarding school and also need rides. We're running super late. The class starts a 6, and it was past 6 when we got to their school.

So we're driving down the interstate, and one of the girls says to me, "Is that supposed to be like that?" And points backwards. I look back, and the trunk is wide open. We quickly tell our driver, who (naturally) sort of freaks out.
In the backseat, the girl and I are trying to pull the trunk down, hoping that none of the stuff fell out of the trunk.

We were running so late that our driver says, "We're late enough! I'm not stopping!"

So we drove 60 mph down the wet interstate at 6 with the trunk wide open.
It finally got closed at the first red light.

But it was SO funny! It really brightened up me morning. :)

I feel so old!

I feel really grown up.

I just ordered a pizza, all by myself. And I'm paying for it, all by myself.
Also, this week, a rep. from SCAD came and I got permission to miss class to listen to him. It sounds like a really great college and now i want to go there. :)

Also, I'm in high school. I can't come to grips with that. IT IS SO WEIRD.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Keys to the Kingdom.


I finished them.
I finished all of the Keys to the Kingdom books.

I don't know what to say. I've been reading them since I was younger, and I don't know how to cope with the ending.

I don't like how Arthur became the new architect. That makes me pretty upset. Also that the universe got destroyed and he remade it. The book makes it so God doesn't exist, and I don't like that either.

But, the ending was so not what i expected! Nearly everyone died! FALDKJFASLDKFJHA
I was scared the book was going to end with the one line, "The Universe had returned to the Nothing from which it had been made." (Lord Sunday, Page 303)
That would have scared me to bits.

But I'm really unhappy. I mean, I expected him to just get the last key, put someone else in charge, and return to his normal life, like he always wanted to! But he doesn't! All the things that happened still are there, his mom doesn't exist anymore, and tons and tons of the charecters are dead! I am really upset! Also, I don't like how he spilt into two people, his mortal self and his architect self. I can't comprehend them being the same people. I am REALLY upset about this.

I guess it's because I thought the ending would be different for so long, and now that I'm wrong, I can't cope with it. But it really is annoying!
The first books (In many series, acctually) have such a feel of innocence. As the series prgresses, it gets more and more dramatic. This is why I think the last book was the most......suspensful, but it also has a bigger effect.

Oh gosh, I am really annoyed right now.


The Keys to the Kingdom (c) Garth Nix

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Despite my last post, I'm still up, putting off going to bed.

Okay, so another thing i've discovered (Or rediscovered) is books.


And no no no, not manga, but NOVELS!
I mean, yes, I read. I love reading. I used to read and read and read and read and read and read all the time, until about 7th grade. Then I started to focus on other things, like the internest, for who knows why.
Over the summer I reread a book that i loooooooove.
It's called "House of many ways" and is by Diane Wynne Jones. It is the sequel to "Howl's moving Castle", which is not only a FABULOUS movie, but is a STEOUPENDOUS BOOK.

Wow. I totally butchered that word.

But the ending just made me really happy. It had such a great fairytale ending. I love it!

OKOKOK. So what I acctually wanted to write about in the first place, was the series that i just picked up again. It's called "The Keys to the Kingdom" And is by Garth Nix. I had read the first.....3 and a half when i was in elementary school, but......left off. Some parts just seemed to drag. And i grew bored, i suppose.

I restarted them last year, when i found that a boy who i liked was reading them.
Yeah, that's not the best reason to read them. But it wasn't the only reason. I recognized them and acctually wanted too, okay? Okay. By the end of the school year, I was half way through book 5, and.....I sort of forgot about it.
I went the whole summer without reading it, and this week I picked it up again.

I went through the 6th book in just a little over 1 day. And i'm about half way through the 7, and last book now. I can't say much, other that i think it is totally amazing. It's just so good.

Okay, so I'm a little repetitive here, but it's true. They're great books. Especially as you get along into the later ones.

It's late, and i need to brush my teeth. (And read a little more)
Good night!

I need to learn something called time management

I have free time.
I feel like I don't, but truely, I just use bits and pieces of it not doing anything worthwhile, or putting off my homework.
So I SHOULD be going to bed at 9. I end up going to sleep around 10 or 10:30. My homework is managable. If I did it all when i came home, I would probably have a few hours of free time.

But no. Instead of put off my homework to do somthing pointless, like surf the internet. I tell myself that if i do one piece of homework, then i can have an unreasonaly large break. And i end up having wasted bits of freetime. I feel like i don't have any at all, because i spend the very end of my night finishing homework. (Or i finish it in the 45 minutes between church and school every morning.)

I really need to disipline myself.

Here's hoping that you don't fell into the procrastination cycles. :)

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Of Soccer and Pajama Sam

If you haven't noticed, I really like children's TV shows.
Well I also like children's video games. When i was little, I played TONS of games. I don't know if that's normal for a child, but i LOVED to play on the computer.

When I was in seventh grade, we had a mold contamination, and a LOT of our stuff got packed away in boxes while people came and replaced carpets and knocked out walls and such. I had sort of forgotten about this, or at least.....not cared enough, because I didn't think to acctually start unpacking the boxes until yesterday. And my main motivation for that was Pajama Sam.

I mainly loved the video games by Humongeous Entertainment. My mom and I would play Freddi Fish, Spy Fox, and Pajama Sam ALL THE TIME. I remembered Pajama Sam, and really wanted to play it again, but my mom told me it was in one of the boxes stored away. So yesterday we went down and I looked through all the boxes stored in our cargo van. In the very back box on the bottom, I found a bunch of books and CDs, so we brought it inside, along with two others.

In this box we found TONS of my childhood video games, most importantly Pajama Sam 2 and 3, and Spy Fox 3. I'm sure somewhere, buried in other boxes, there are more of my old games, (specificly PS 1 and 4, spy fox 1 and 2, and all my Freddi fish games) but I'm really happy I found them.

I beat PS 3 last night, (I had to talk it through with my mom) PS 2 this morning, and my mom and I both played Spy Fox together and beat it just now. What is amazingly awesome about these games is that the game changes every time you play it. You can choose (Or have it randomly chosen) the elements of the game, and it's really cool. I could no longer remember perfectly how to do it, I had to think it through.

I still really like all of these games. I want to dress up as Pajama Sam for 'Favorite Charecter Day' at school. First I need to find/make a blue one-si.

In other news, I joined a new soccer league for 14-17 year olds, and we had a scrimage match today. Our uniforms are red! I've had a blue uniform in all my soccer leagues, and I'm glad for the change. XD We lost the scrimage 5 to 0....

I didn't practice soccer at ALL this summer (Well, other than juggeling games and maybe a play match with some guys and my cousins) and I feel like I did really badly. I mean, I was OK, and i made and ok shot at the goal (On one of the few times we got it on their side of the field) and ran really hard, but I am OUT OF SHAPE.

There were times where I felt I could hardly breath. I felt like i couldn't take enough air in, and like I do when we play a pressuring game, I sort of broke down. I started crying because I felt so bad, and...eugh. I have a problem with doing that. I had a meltdown at our final game on my school team. I really hate losing, and I don't like feeling like i'm doing badly. But It was fine, I guess, because it was only a scrimage. The other team has a lot of older players, and I feel confident that we will get a LOT better.

In OTHER OTHER news, today's date is 9/10/11

Pajama Sam, Spy Fox, and Freddi Fish (c) Humongous Entertainment.

Friday, August 26, 2011

High School Storms

So if that earthquake wasn't enoguh, we're having Hurricane Irene. I'm pretty inland, but it's still storming a lot outside. Really windy. Also, I started high school yesterday.

For once, I was acctually a little disapointed. I like summer. :) There wasn't a big switch though, since i'm in middle/high school combined. I keep thinking last year was 7th grade. But it was 8th. This is crazy! XD I can't get used to it.

I'm really excited about Photography I. I find it really neat when I start a class knowing absolutly NOTHING about the subject. I don't know much anything about film and developing it. It sounds so cool! We were practicing going in and out of the dark room without exposing the film, and this one guy had the idea of holding one eye shut before going in. It apparently ajusts the one eye to the darkness, and you can see REALLY well (Out of one eye) in the dark.

Sounds good. Adios!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The Earth Begins to Shake

Mmkay, so apparently there was an earthquake today. Where I live. All of my friends are writing all over the internet, saying that it was really scary and it shook them.
I didn't feel a thing. No matter how scary it was, I really wish i had. My neighbor felt it! I didn't!
Okay, so at one point i heard something, or maybe i felt it, and thought that my cat was scratching herself REALLY loudly and hard. I guess that was it. I feel a little lame now, for not noticing it as an earthquake. I hope no one got hurt from it.

Thursday, August 11, 2011


Lately, I love Dreamworks Animation.
My friends are all really big fans of the old Disney movies, but comparitivly, I just think that lately Dreamworks is so much better! Even if they're from books, i think that the storylines are so origanal! And the special effects are amazing. I really like the CGI.

The main reason I've come to think of this is beacausof two particuar movies.

How to Train your Dragon was my favorite movie ever! I saw the end of it on a display TV when I went shopping with my mom at "Sam's Club". We went out and bought it right afterwards. I love it so much! I even added designs to a hat to make it into "Toothless". (It's in a post on here about Summer) I drew tons of pictures, and I just LOVED it. I was obsessed for ages.

Then, this past Saturday, I saw "Megamind". Oddly enough, I also saw this one on a display TV at "Sam's Club". I didn't see the ending or beginning, but I saw a huge chunk out of the middle. Tons of it. We went out and rented it that day, and watched it as well. Since i had seen most of it already at the store, it didn't have a huge affect on me, like HtTyD did. I watched it by myself on the computer later that day, and I really loved it. It just grew on me, really fast. On Monday (It was due on Sunday, but we kept it too long...) I watched it again. I watched it with the comentary (Which was hilarioius. I was stunned at how short the movie seemed with it.) and I really liked it. My mom had to take it back that night on her way out, but I managed to watch it half-way through again before she did.
I just love it! I have lots and lots of art work I've done of the charecters.....It's still in my sketchbook.

So after these two movies, I'm thinking I'd like to work for Dreamworks. It would be great if I could make someone feel happy through a creation like those. I think if I worked there, I'd be a storyboard artist, since the graphic element doesn't really seem my type of thing. (Actually, It sounds great, but I don't know how to do that sort of thing...) I'm not sure if story board art fits me either, but it's the only thing I can think of that I think I'd be good at. I just really think working for Dreamworks would be awesome!

Also, the logo of Dreamworks is SO CUTE!
I just think the music and the little animation is just so adorable. Plus, the name, dreamworks just sounds so....Dreamy!

Also, my dad took me out to see "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" a couple days ago. It was rated PG13, but I'm the kind of girl who pretty much watches cartoons and, well, basically PG rated movie (And Harry Potter) most of the time. So this movie was totally terifying for me! I cried for half and hour after I watched it. I just thought it was horrible! I have a couple of friends who like (or LOVE) scary movies, and so my problem probably seemed really weird to them, but I was really upset by it. And when we were driving home from the theater, I just really wanted to watch "Megamind". Animated movies just help me to feel better sometimes. Like this one time where I was sick and cranky, watching "Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genious" made me feel so much better!

So, basically, I really like animated movies, and I think it's a nice idea to work for Dreamworks when I grow up.

The End.

"How to Train your Dragon" and "Megamind" (c) Dreamworks.
"Jimmy Neutron" (c) Nickelodeon
"Rise of the Planet of the Apes" (c) Rupert Wyatt (He's the Director, so....)

School Alert!

So today I got my school schedule.
I also had a dream about getting my schedule.

In my schedule dream, (once I got out of the cafeteria where people were swinging on ropes through plates of glass and falling into water) I opened my schedule at my locker (It was the first day of school) and realized that I had HORRIBLE classes. I had stuff like "Dog whispering" and "Family paper folding", which, as nice as it sounds, is absolutely not what i want to do everyday for the whole school year. XD

When I woke up and got my real schedule I was glad. I got all of the classes I wanted. :)
I go to an art school, so my three electives I chose were all visual arts. (Instead of me picking something more....useful, like...french. or Gym.) Also, my three electives are back to back, so I have three strait hours of different art classes. :)

Also, my school is combined for middle and high school (so theres no big deal about switching schools, but the idea of being in high school is really weird....) so the classes are really weird. Instead of having 4 periods, 1.5 hours long for one semester, I still have 7 periods that are 50 minutes long.

Plus we don't have homerooms, so I've NEVER understood what people mean by that or 'start class'......The classes for high school are strange in another way too. I've been geting used to 'Social studies', 'Language Arts', and "Science". Now, however, the names are "World History", "English I", and "Biology"....It's so different to me!

Thursday, July 28, 2011


I really like taking photos.
Pokemon (c) Nintendo

Summer Time!

So.....that was a long time that i went without blogging.
I have a habit of either writing a ton in my journal, or a lot on this blog. And lately my journal is PACKED.

So happy summer everyone!
I've been going to a lot of church camps. I went camping with my Young Womens group (I'm LDS) and that was nice, and this past weekend (well, Thursday to Saturday) I went to Youth Conference, which was good too.

And in between those I went to EFY. (Especially For Youth) Which was by far, the best week of my life. I just felt so good!

Also, I've been drawing and drawing and editing pictures from a while ago, and yada yada yada.
This one on the left is symbolic of how repentance can rescue you from anywhere. Christ is always there to help you, if you are willing to accept his help and repent.

Also, I'm pretty fond of this video game that I discovered. It's called Harvest Moon: Sunshine Islands, and it's a farming RPG game. You run a ranch, and raise sunken islands, but my favorite part is the charecters. There are a bunch of bachelors (Or bachelorettes) and you can court them and get married. Right now, I'm working on a fanfiction about it, and drawing a TON of pictures (Mainly of my favorite bachelor, Elliot)
Oh, and big change of subject. I really LOVE the movie "How to Train Your Dragon". It's my favorite movie. I made a hat (Well, my aunt made the base, I added the features) of Toothless! I really like it. :)

OKAY. I don't know what to talk about, so here are some more pictures:
Harvest Moon (c) Natsume Ince
Pokemon (c) Nintendo

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Double Blaaaaaaarggggggg

more summarizing?

Soccer season is over. :(

I miss it.

We lost in the first round of the conference tournament.

Monday, March 14, 2011


I sure need to update.
So brief summary:

Amazing dance performance done to raise money for my dad and the NFT.

I got on the soccer team today (We had tryouts so late, that we've missed four games)

Today I had 2 and a half hours of soccer practice.

And I have one and a half hours every day every week. Other than games. And on Mondays, when I should have 3 hours.

I learned origami. I hade a dodecahedron.

I drew this:

It's Ash and Gary from Pokemon.
Pokemon (c) Nintendo.
I'm sore and tired.
I love the musame.
Good night.
Sorry for my randomness within this poem.......
I'll try to add details later...

Sunday, February 13, 2011


Today is my birthday.

I'm fourteen.

And I'm sick.

And I've learned how to change text color.

So I was sick earlier this week with a really bad headache and a fever. Two of my other friends were out sick aparently, and another was sick but at school. Two of my teachers were out as well, but I'm not sure if one of them was sick or not.

I went back to school on Friday, then on Saturday I got a really bad swollen throat. It's really annoying and hurts to swallow. I also have an annoying cough.

But all the sickness aside, Today is my birthday. My mom and dad gave me a bouquet of six pink roses andtulips for my birthday, as well as a necklace. I didn't feel well, so I stayed home from church, and while I was in bed in my mom's room, watching a movie, apparently the Miamaids* group from my Young Womens groups came and 'heart attacked' my room.

By heart attacked, I mean they came into my room and very quietly, threw paper hearts of all different colors and sizes all over my bed and the floor. They taped them to the walls (Over ALL the faces of 'Harry Potter' I have in my room, which is quite a few.....), they taped them to the ceiling, and they even made them hang from the ceiling from long pieces of blue masking tape. :D They left me a present (Pretty bath soaps and and cute ornate ) and a note taped to my mirror saying "Now do you belive we love you? Beacause we do. A LOT."

I get to eat steak for supper.
It was a really nice day.

*Miamaids are the group of 14-16 year old girls in the YW program.

Friday, February 4, 2011

I am a Princess. Twice.

So on Wednesday, at church, for the 'New Beggings' progam marking a new year, my Young Women's group all became princesses. Our leaders all wore dresses, and the YW president (our 'fairy godmother') had a giant wand. She called up up by name and we sat in a big poofy chair. She'd say, "Fair maiden Brooke, I hereby declare you princess of the realm and grant you with the gift of Compassion". Then the girls behind you would toss confetti on your head and you would get a mini tiara. Everyone got a different gift, the gift of enthusiasm (Given to my most enthusiastic friend), the gift of conversation (A.K.A, the gift of gab), even the girft of sarcastic and witty comments. They put on a play and our ward's second councelor (The 'king') bore his testimony to us and it was all really great.

Today, we had a pep ralley at our school. All my really close friends sat together (Except for one D:) and since we were on the front row, we could just sit on the floor and dangle our legs off the balcony. The steel drums band was right below us (I didn't even know we had a steel drums band) and It was really neat beacause we recognized a lot of the songs, like 'Under the sea" from 'The Little Mermaid' or "Day-o" from 'Beatle Juice'. The eight grade was supposed to dress up in really bright colors. I have to say, this was the best pep ralley I've ever been to, even though the middle school cheerleaders danced to "I whip my hair back and forth" and It was stuck in my head all day. It's a very addicting song.

And I won Homecoming princess of eigth grade. I really like the phrase 'Miss eigth grade' better though. (It's what my certificate says) They also gave me a rose.

So I have become a princess twice this week.

At lunch today, We were going around part of the table each saying one word and making a story.

There once was a man named Joseph. He had a child named Florance the Angry. Joseph and florance the angry had a pet. It was a bunny day Florance and the bunny ran over their neighbor. The neighbor was dead. Florance was angry. The bunny ate the neigbors remains slowly and meticulously. Florance was ANGRY.

WE never finished it, but I was laughing so hard that I was crying and I couln't breathe. I hope we continue it on Monday.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

I am so tired.

I wish I could go to sleep, I can hardly keep my eyes open.

But it is only 5:45...

Friday, January 28, 2011


So next week we have spirt week at my school.
We are also having a ton of new contest thtat we have never had before.

We have wacky tacky day, blast from the past, favorite charecter, gender bender day, and class day.

Since everything is a little different this year, instead of dressing in school colors on Friday for spirt day, all the dirrerent grades will dress up as something themselves. We, the eigth graders get to dress in my favorite color, orange!
Gender bender day is always the one I look foward to, beacause of ocurse, it is hilarious to see girls dress like boys and boys in dresses and skirts.

We are having this thing called powderpuff football on thursday, which is totally new. It fits for gender bender day, that all the grades have girl football teams and boy cheerleaders.

We have a contest to draw the school mascot (The school will change the picture of our mascot to the winner's picture) which I will definately enter (I know I spelt definately wrong) even though a bulldog may be pretty difficult for me to draw.

Also, I am running to be homeconing princess. I got ten people to sign a sheet of paper, and they put my name on a slip of paper (A ballet?) to vote. I feel loved beacause a bunch of people, even those who I don't hang out with said they voted for me. (One girl was chanting 'Vote for Brooke!' at the begining) and when they called my name and I stood up, a bunch of people cheered for me. So I feel very loved.
(Sorry for gloating)

There is so much new stuff that we are doing this year that I do not think I can keep up with it. There is a whole bunch of stuff you can buy to win your grade a class day (Not so sure what this entitles, but I bet it will be good) or something. I heard something about dressing up like our school mascot....but I'm not certain about that either.

Monday, January 24, 2011

School on Saturday and Manga Overload

Okay okay, so I had school on Saturday.
I know, A great way to spend your weekend, but today, Monday, I have school off, so it all works out I guess.
I went to sleep at about 7 p.m. Friday night, so I slept around 11 hours and didn't miss much sleep at least. Also, we caust a few mice lately.
On Saturday night, I went to an etiquite (Spelling?) dinner with my church stake. (That's a whole bunch of the different church wards in our area together.) I saw this one girl who sits across from me in art class, who I didn't even know was my religeon. Also this guy in my theater class is her I was pretty amazed.

At least saturday was an early release day, so school ended at 1:30. When I finally got off the bus (My bus ride is an hour long. Seriously.) I heard someone yell my name. I looked behind me, at the road, and sticking her head out a car window is a girl from my science class. She then yells, "I know where you live!" XD

I also saw one of my friends at the library.

OKAY OKAY OKAY. So the etiquitte dinner was really neat, and I saw a TON of my friends who I haven't seen since camp in the summer.

We watched this big slideshow of pictures, and it was all really neat.


I've been reading a lot of manga lately.
I'm sort of obsessed with 'LOVE*COM'.
It's so cool!
I just finished the 9th book, and I've been going to the library often to look for them.
I think I'm going to cosplay as Risa Koizumi for Animazement. (I know I say things like that a lot, but this time I'm serious.)

Also, last night I read the first two books of 'Twin Spica', which is also really cool. I would love to see someone cosplaying as Mr. Lion, but I don't think the series is that popular. (?) But I may be wrong.

Also today I read the first book in the seies 'Arisa'. THE AUTHOR ALSO WROTE 'KITCHESS PRINCESS' SO YOU KNOW I'M GOING TO LOVE IT. Her art has improved SO much since the first volume of 'Kitchen Princess'. It's so pretty! The plot is really good too!

Speaking of 'Kitchen Princess', I've read up to book 6. IT'S SO SAD!!!!
I read it on the bus to school, and I seriously cried during the whole book.

I really want to go to a book store right now.
I also read the first volume of Azumanga Daioh. It was pretty different since it's all four-panel comics. I've already seen the anime, and I have to say, I sort of like the anime better. The book is great, it's hilarious, but I guess I like the anime more since I saw it first and....wel... (the art is a little better....) and the charecters have voices and everything, so it's so much funnier. I mean, Osaks wouldn't be as funny unless she had the hilarious English dubbed voice with all the pauses.

I mean, the artist is AMAZING. I love her art work in Yotsuba, but since it's a four-panel comic backbrounds and not much detail, the only really amazing art are the big drawings at the beginning of chapters.

The likenesses between 'Azumanga Daioh' and 'Lucky Star' are uncanny.
They both started out as four-panel comics (I belive) and got transformed into HILARIOUS animes with English dubs.
The scharecters are very alike as well.

Both have reckless teachers who have HORRIBLE driving skills and not much common sense. (Miss Yukari and Miss Kuroi)

Both have the super innocent short cute girls (Chiyo-chan and Yutaka)(Though I suppose you could also compare Chiyo to Miyuki)

Both have the tall, silent type girls ( Miss Sakari and Minami)

Both have the older man who is attracted to the younger girls (Konata's Father and Kimura, though Kimura is definately was more so. He scares me....)

Okay, I'm out of good examples, but You get my drift, right?)

Okay, also I had to look to FIND these examples, but it's true!)

I also read the book 'Sayonara, Zetsubou Sensei' and it's pretty good too.

Okay, farewell.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

I just found this post from a long time ago.

Okay okay, so I had school on Saturday.
I know, A great way to spend your weekend, but tommorow, Monday, I have school off, so it all works out I guess.
I went to sleep at about 7 p.m. Friday night, so I slept around 11 hours and didn't miss much sleep at least. Also, we caust a few mice lately.
On Saturday night, I went to an etiquite (Spelling?) dinner.

EDIT: Okay, so I found this in my blog drafts. I had totally forgotten about going to school on Saturday. I don't remember it. This happened a LONG time ago apparently. Sometime during this year, near the begginning. The ettiquitte dinner was with my church stake and it was really fun. :)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


So I've been working on drawing a lot, especially now that I've had two snow days. (Even though it only snowed about 1 inch or less. And freezing rain.)
So I've been working really hard on lighting. Here's a picture I'm really fond of that I did.

I'm planning on making a sequel to this picture of a girl on his side holding his hand. I'm not sure If I'll get around to it though.
I've also been doing this challenge called '100 themes'. It gives you 100 themes (Who knew?) and I'm drawing a picture for each one. My friend is doing the challenge too, but is writting poems for them. The meadow one up there was for the theme 'Light'.
This one was for the theme abandoned:

It was really good, but then I shrunk the file, and I didn't save a larger copy. It looks way better in full view, but now it is a little fuzzy. Here's one I drew for the theme 'Innocence':

If anyone reads this, please comment!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

So my new years resolution is to become a nicer person and be less self-centered. On new years eve I volunteered with my friend to feed the homeless. It was really neat. She came over and spent new years eve with us.

I love the Vocaloids.
I've been listening to their music all day....and yesterday...
I really love Rin and Len.
And the Story of evil.

And now I sort of want to cosplay as one of them for animazement....
Oh right.
I'm writting a story.
It's a graphic novel.....
I only have one chapter done, and it's just a rough draft....and It's not as great as it could be.